- Beijing, China
A list of tutorials, paper, talks, and open-source projects for emerging compiler and architecture
Xilinx FPGA PCIe 保姆级教程 ——基于 PCIe XDMA IP核
Operate the High Speed Parallel Interface of the CH569 over USB. (eg for connection to an FPGA)
HydraUSB3 (WCH CH569) open source test firmware / examples / libraries to experiment with streaming / high-speed protocols (USB2 HS, USB3 SS, HSPI, SerDes...)
This is a series of quick start guide of Vitis HLS tool in Chinese. It explains the basic concepts and the most important optimize techniques you need to understand to use the Vitis HLS tool.
通过issue和README来记录日常学习研究笔记 关注 机器学习系统,深度学习, LLVM,性能剖视, Linux操作系统内核 话题 关注 C/C++. JAVA. Python. Golang. Chisel. 编程语言话题 ( Writing Blogs using github issue and markdown! (inculding Machine Learning algs …
Ficus is a software for editing and managing markdown documents, developed by the gg=G team.
[ICLR 2023 Oral] Zero-Shot Image Restoration Using Denoising Diffusion Null-Space Model
Mars with BUAA CO extension by Toby Shi
A MIPS CPU with a Full-Speed 5-Stage Pipeline, Supporting 50 Instructions
Repo for counting stars and contributing. Press F to pay respect to glorious developers.