You can download the following zipped folder to have Steve's coffee shop recipes at the beginning. Use this project to following along in the course.
Use the following script to generage the 6 files to follow along with git amend
, git reset
, and git reflog
for d in {1..6}; do touch "file${d}.md"; git add "file${d}.md"; git commit -m "adding file ${d}"; done
If you need one for powershell, you can use the following;
for ($d=1; $d -le 6; $d++) { Out-File file$; git add file$; git commit -m "adding file$"; }
There are a lot of options out there, and it depends on what you decide to use and what operating system you're using.
Here is a linked to my forked repository that you can use as a sandbox environment to visualize git commands.