This is a public repository to help teach ourselves about using GitHub and to practice making HTML and CSS pages
To see the most current version of this project, click here:
!Welcome to one and all!
Following our session on Saturday 25/06/2022, I had the idea to set up a page that helps teach Github features for beginners.
!User Stories
A user === A student learning web development === anyone who has completed this Scrimba course:
As a user I can read a markdown file which detail the user stories for this project so that I understand what the project seeks to achieve.
As a user I can click a button that generates a random set of 'theme' keywords, HTML Tags and CSS properties so that I have a clear instruction of what I should make a new website about.
As a user I can copy and paste an automatically generated designed brief based on the generated constraints to LinkedIn so that I can document the skills I am practicing.
!Other constraints!
A user should be able to access and refer to a set of instructions which show them how to add their page to this.repository
A user should be able to learn how branches work so that they can independently work on their own pages which form subpages of this project.
A user should be able to showcase their work on the website generated from this repository
Minimum Viable Product - A single page website that randomly generates idea prompts and suggests HTML tags / CSS properties to be used in the website. It will then automatically generate a design brief based on these constraints which can be be copied into the users LinkedIn profile.