Notes on helpful tools to improve my code (pythonic_vs_unpythonic.py)
Functions helpful for making code more efficient (speed_memory_compare.py)
To see how one or more functions perform as it pertains to speed and memory you first need to install memory_profiler via 'pip install memory_profiler'.
The speed and memory comparison functions can be applied so:
In file 'example.py':
import datetime
import numpy as np
from memory_profiler import profile
def measure_memory(a, fun):
def compare_memory(a, functions):
for fun in functions:
print('MEMORY USE OF ', fun)
measure_memory(a, fun)
def compare_time(a, functions):
for fun in functions:
start = datetime.datetime.now()
end = datetime.datetime.now()
print('SPEED OF ', fun)
if __name__=='__main__':
# example:
def flip_array_np(a):
return(np.concatenate((a, np.flip(a[:-1]))))
def flip_array(a):
return(np.concatenate((a, a[:-1][::-1])))
y = np.arange(1_000)
funs = [flip_array_np, flip_array]
compare_memory(y, funs)
compare_speed(y, funs)
And then type this into your console:
$ python3 -m memory_profiler example.py
You will get this printed on your screen:
MEMORY USE OF <function flip_array_np at 0x7f8f318270d0>
Filename: speed_memory_compare.py
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurences Line Contents
7 51.8 MiB 51.8 MiB 1 @profile
8 def measure_memory(a, fun):
9 '''Profiles memroy of single function applied to a.
10 '''
11 51.8 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 fun(a)
MEMORY USE OF <function flip_array at 0x7f8f31827160>
Filename: speed_memory_compare.py
Line # Mem usage Increment Occurences Line Contents
7 51.8 MiB 51.8 MiB 1 @profile
8 def measure_memory(a, fun):
9 '''Profiles memroy of single function applied to a.
10 '''
11 51.8 MiB 0.0 MiB 1 fun(a)
SPEED OF <function flip_array_np at 0x7f8f318270d0>
SPEED OF <function flip_array at 0x7f8f31827160>