Drupal version of a11ytalks
ddev start
ddev composer install
Obtain a backup from the Backup migrate module on the live site.
ddev import-db --file=PATH_TO_FILE
ddev drush si minimal
- to be replaced with a snapshot later.ddev drush config-set "system.site" uuid 8e44c643-c302-46ea-a054-c47fd6454ea5
- Updates the site UUID so the config imports without issue.ddev drush cim
- one day this will work out of the box, but the snapshot will replace it anyway
ddev drush en stage_file_proxy
ddev drush config-set stage_file_proxy.settings origin "https://a11ytalks.com"
- Site is available at https://a11ytalks-drupal.ddev.site
cp web/sites/example.settings.local.php web/sites/default/settings.local.php
ddev drush cr
ddev yarn install
ddev yarn storybook
- Storybook instance is viewable at https://a11ytalks-drupal.ddev.site:6006
Storybook is based on the Storybook module. All stories are kept in web/themes/custom/a11ytalks/stories
in a twig file that needs to be recompiled if you update any of the arguments or add new stories.
ddev drush storybook:generate-all-stories
If you want to have watch
automatically update any changes run
watch --color ddev drush storybook:generate-all-stories
Main content of the site.
Attached to the events. We may do more with this in the future.
Team information. This is deprecated in favor of User accounts and will be removed.