This schematic is obtained by reverse-engineering from the fabricated PCB.
It was intended for modifying the firmware on the HW30A as a brushless motor controller for a gimbal/robotic arm.
Make sure this is the correct schematic you are looking for by referring to the attached PCB images below.
The schematic is only roughly verified.
Please manually verify again.
Feel free to open an issue/pull request if any mistake was found.
Using 2s battery (8.8V when unloaded), 700-900kv 2212 motor (no props)
High side rise time is about 16us (one of the MOSFET turns on in 192ns)
High side fall time is about 470-550ns (one of the MOSFET turns off in 37ns)
Low side rise time is about 400-600ns
Low side fall time is about 370-600ns
Low side gate charge and discharge peaks at arouind 74mA through 27ohm resistor
High side gate charge peaks at 9.2mA through 1.5kOhm resistor, discharge current not measured.
High side driver 6.4-8.2us turn on delay (one of MOSFET 2.2us)
High side driver 2.5-2.8us turn off delay
Low side driver 100-130ns turn on delay
Low side driver 140-188ns turn off delay
Based on the values above, the minimum deadtime to switch from:
LOW to HIGH is 188ns+600ns = 788ns (can be lower since HIGH side turns on relatively slow)
HIGH to LOW is 2.8us+550ns = 3.35us
(driver delay + MOSFET delay)
The flash and EEPROM memory obtained from XXD HW30A ESC can be found in the "memory dump" folder.
Fuse defaults:
LOW = 0x04
HIGH = 0x9F
Lock bits = 0x3F
Based on
It uses internal RC Oscillator at 8MHz
Brown-out level set at 4.0V
SPI program downloading and watch-dog timer on.