Athena is a high-performance, easy-to-use QDN (Quantum Deep Neural) library written in Rust. This library provides a robust foundation for building and training deep neural networks, with a focus on reinforcement learning.
- Customizable Neural Network architecture
- Support for various activation functions
- A simple DQN Agent implementation
- A Replay Buffer for experience replay
- Different Optimizers (SGD, Adam)
- Save and load trained Neural Networks
- Parallelism support using Rayon and ndarray
Add the following to your Cargo.toml
athena = "0.1.0"
use athena::network::{NeuralNetwork, Activation};
use athena::optimizer::{OptimizerWrapper, SGD};
// Create a neural network with 2 layers and ReLU activation functions
let layer_sizes = &[4, 8, 4];
let activations = &[Activation::Relu, Activation::Linear];
let optimizer = OptimizerWrapper::SGD(SGD::new());
let nn = NeuralNetwork::new(layer_sizes, activations, optimizer);
// Train the neural network on a minibatch of inputs and targets
nn.train_minibatch(inputs.view(), targets.view(), learning_rate);
use athena::agent::DqnAgent;
use athena::optimizer::{OptimizerWrapper, SGD};
// Create a DQN agent
let layer_sizes = &[4, 8, 2];
let epsilon = 0.1;
let optimizer = OptimizerWrapper::SGD(SGD::new());
let agent = DqnAgent::new(layer_sizes, epsilon, optimizer);
// Train the agent on a batch of experiences
agent.train_on_batch(&experiences, gamma, learning_rate);
use athena::replay_buffer::{ReplayBuffer, Experience};
// Create a replay buffer
let capacity = 1000;
let mut buffer = ReplayBuffer::new(capacity);
// Add experiences to the buffer
// Sample a batch of experiences
let batch_size = 32;
let sampled_experiences = buffer.sample(batch_size);
- Stochastic Gradient Descent (SGD)
- Adam
use athena::optimizer::{OptimizerWrapper, SGD, Adam};
use athena::network::{NeuralNetwork, Layer};
// Create an optimizer
let optimizer = OptimizerWrapper::SGD(SGD::new()); // or OptimizerWrapper::Adam(Adam::new(layers, beta1, beta2, epsilon))
This example outlines how you would set up an agent to learn to play a simple game with Athena.
Let's assume the game is very simple: The agent has two actions (move left or right), and it gets a reward of +1 if it moves right, and a reward of -1 if it moves left. The state of the game is a single number: the agent's current position.
First, you would define the state and action sizes for the agent:
let state_size = 1; // The agent's position
let action_size = 2; // Move left or right
Next, create the agent:
let layer_sizes = &[state_size, 64, action_size]; // Network structure
let epsilon = 1.0; // Starting value of epsilon
let optimizer = OptimizerWrapper::SGD(SGD::new()); // We use SGD as our optimizer
let mut agent = DqnAgent::new(layer_sizes, epsilon, optimizer);
Now, you would play many games, allowing the agent to learn from its actions:
let mut replay_buffer = ReplayBuffer::new(10000);
let mut state = 0.0; // Start at position 0
let mut total_reward = 0.0;
for _ in 0..10000 {
let action = agent.act(array![state].view()); // The agent decides on an action
let reward = if action == 0 { -1.0 } else { 1.0 }; // The game gives a reward
let next_state = state + (2 * action as f32) - 1.0; // The game updates its state
total_reward += reward;
// Add this experience to the replay buffer
let experience = Experience {
state: array![state],
next_state: array![next_state],
done: false,
// Train the agent with a batch from the replay buffer
if replay_buffer.len() > 32 {
let experiences = replay_buffer.sample(32);
agent.train_on_batch(&experiences, 0.99, 0.001);
// Prepare for the next game iteration
state = next_state;
In this example, the agent learns to always move right in order to maximize its reward. This might seem like a trivial problem, but the process is similar for more complex games. The agent explores the game, learns from the rewards it gets, and adjusts its strategy over time.