The blog is based on WordPress ( It was developed on top of the Acute
theme by ThemeBeans (
- Iteration 1:
- Iteration 2:
- Iteration 3:
- Iteration 4:
- Iteration 5:
Authors can now publish C3.js plots on their posts or other pages of the blog. In order to work, the authors have to add the JavaScript code within <script>
tags and carefuly format them to avoid WordPress' auto-formatter to get in the way of making the charts work.
If you find absolutely any issues in the blog, either on content or technical subjects, please log them in the issues tab, or by clicking here. If you do not have a GitHub account, send an email to [email protected]
For something major (or urgent), please send me an email at [email protected]
Authors, please register your official email address with so the blog can pull whatever image you chose to display your profile image and use it in our posts.