A jQuery plugin for sticky positioning. Fix containers to the viewport relative to an ancestor. To see it in action you can see the demo page or development pages development page 1, development page 2, development page 3.
Download the production version or the development version.
Add jQuery
<script src="jquery.js"></script>
Add fixTo
<script src="fixto.min.js"></script>
Use it with jQuery
You can fix multiple containers to multiple ancestors. Make sure your selectors match exactly.
Passing options
$('#left-banner').fixTo('#left-column', {
className : 'my-class-name',
zIndex: 10,
mind: '#header'
Instantiate without jQuery:
var sticky = fixto.fixTo(domElementToFix, domElementToBeFixed, options);
When the container is fixed, it will receive the class name fixto-fixed
. You may use this class or you may pass any other class name as an option.
See above example.
Although you can set z-index with css, it is possible to pass a zIndex
option. See above example.
When you have other fixed containers on a page, pass those containers as mind option to prevent overlapping.
$('#left-banner').fixTo('#left-column', {
mind: '#header'
Selector can be in any form that jQuery can handle. You can pass multiple elements.
Following methods can be called directly on the instance or with jQuery.
Destroys the instance:
Stops the instances behavior without destroying the instance.
Starts the instances behavior.
- Responsive
- Handles multiple instances
- Start, stop, destroy
- Sensitive to viewport height
Modern browsers, ie8+ are supported. Touch devices are not supported.
- Doesn't work on elements having
. You will need an additional wrapper around the element. This is because webkit differs from other browsers about reporting the computed margin values.