A Node Express middleware for serving pixel density named files, meant to work with the express static middleware.
npm install static-denser
Adding this middleware will add the following logic for file serving:
- file.jpg is requested by some html file running on a device with DPR (window.devicePixelRatio) of 2 for example (requested by AppCache, html img tag or anything else).
- The middleware reads the "2" DPR value from the URL (see how in the example project).
- The middleware will ask the express.static middleware to serve [email protected] if it exists, or file.jpg if it does not.
By the way, it works with all types of files, not only images!
The middlewhere takes the DPR param one path after the attached url,
e.g if you attach it to /myfiles, the middleware will take it from /myfiles/:dpr.
no need to type the ":dpr" param, just attach normally by calling .use(...)
var staticDenser = require('static-denser');
var assetsFolderDir = "public";
app.use("/myapp", staticDenser(assetsFolderDir), express.static(assetsFolderDir,{}));
In this case, opening the url "/myapp/2/main.jpg", will actually try to open the url "/myapp/[email protected]" (In the file system: /public/[email protected]). If it's not there it will open "/myapp/main.jpg" (In the file system: /public/main.jpg).
"Normal" URLs without the DPR param will also work: /myapp/main.jpg (that will always serve main.jpg).
staticDenser("public", {dpiPrefix:"@", dpiSuffix:"x"});
The "@" prefix and "x" suffix are the default, no need to pass them, however you can use your own values. The "public" is the recommended sub folder system path to put your resources in.
Because we want to use appcache, and not cache all pixel density files for our client, If we connect using a device with a DPR of 1, we don't want to cache the @2x images as well, we want to save space. See appcache limitations: http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/offline/quota-research/
Cordova does not support cookies.
Create an "index.html" file that will serve as a "redirector" page, the sole purpose of this html file
is to determine the window.devicePixelRatio
value and redirect to the corresponding url (e.g main.html), attaching this value as part of the url path.
See a working example of this flow in the demo project.