oxaBags is an e-commerce website showcasing our collection of bags. We are manufacturers, wholesalers, and exporters of jute bags and cotton bags, specializing in corporate events and exhibitions.
- Browse a wide selection of bags
- Shopping cart functionality
- Secure checkout process with form validation
- Statically generated product pages
- Responsive design for mobile and desktop
- Type-safe development with TypeScript
- Framework: Next.js (App Router)
- Language: TypeScript
- UI Components: Shadcn/UI
- CMS: Sanity.io
- Hosting: Cloudflare Pages
- State Management: Zustand
- Payment: Razorpay Invoices
The project is organized into two main branches:
: Contains the API routes versionwith-server-action
: Implements server actions
To set up the project locally:
- Clone the repository
- Install dependencies:
npm install
- Set up environment variables for sanity and razorpay (see
) - Run the development server:
npm run dev

I am currently experiencing issues with server actions in Cloudflare Pages. The with-server-action
branch contains this implementation, while the master
branch uses API routes.