Simple Project to show how to set break points in Visual Studio Code when running a Sinatra app in a Docker Container.
I have tested this with Docker for Mac 1.12.3 Stable.
Start by cloning the repository
git clone
cd ruby_docker_breakpoint
# Open Visual Studio Code
code .
Build the docker docker container and run it
docker-compose build
docker-compose up
At this point you should see something like:
➜ ruby_docker_breakpoint git:(master) ✗ docker-compose up
Recreating rubydockerbreakpoint_hellorubyvscode_1
Attaching to rubydockerbreakpoint_hellorubyvscode_1
hellorubyvscode_1 | Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.6.0, debase 0.2.1, file filtering is supported) listens on
It will wait here until you Navigate the to Debug View in Visual Studio Code and click the Play button on "Attach to Docker". After it attaches then you should see:
hellorubyvscode_1 | [2016-11-29 21:15:46] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
hellorubyvscode_1 | [2016-11-29 21:15:46] INFO ruby 2.1.10 (2016-04-01) [x86_64-linux]
hellorubyvscode_1 | [2016-11-29 21:15:46] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=1 port=4567
From here set a breakpoint in the code in myapp.rb. Then navigate to
You should now hit the breakpoint and be able to step over or step into or play.
This project was an attempt to recreate the awesome work of Alexander Zeiter for debugging a Node application in a docker container using Visual Studio Code:
but for Ruby.
Also helpful (setup for RubyMine):
Notes on how to do the VSCode setup:
For the compose stuff, followed the work here:
I could not get the Dockerfile to work alone. It would only work when using Docker Compose as shown above.
Below are my notes on the work I did here:
This was not working for the Dockerfile:
CMD ["rdebug-ide", "--host", "" , "--port", "1234", "--dispatcher-port", "26162", "./myapp.rb"]
To be able to access sinatra from outside container need to do this:
CMD ["bundle", "exec", "rackup", "--host", "", "-p", "4568"]
then navigate to in your browser
Had to move from the Ruby 2.3 Docker container back to the Ruby 2.2 to make progress.
Getting on the docker container and running:
docker stop hellorubyvscode
docker rm hellorubyvscode
docker build -t hellorubyvscode .
docker run -d -p 1234:1234 -p 4567:4567 -p 26162:26162 -p 4568:4568 --name=hellorubyvscode hellorubyvscode
docker exec -it hellorubyvscode bash
Once inside the docker container run (NOTE this should eventually be moved into the CMD above.)
bundle exec rdebug-ide --host --port 1234 --dispatcher-port 26162 -- bin/rackup --host -p 4567
bundle exec rdebug-ide --host --port 1234 -- bin/rackup --host -p 4567
Then it will only show:
Fast Debugger (ruby-debug-ide 0.6.0, debase 0.2.1, file filtering is supported) listens on
It is at this point you will need to come back to VS Code and click on the Play button for "Attach". Then you will see:
[2016-11-29 03:41:52] INFO WEBrick 1.3.1
[2016-11-29 03:41:52] INFO ruby 2.2.6 (2016-11-15) [x86_64-linux]
[2016-11-29 03:41:52] INFO WEBrick::HTTPServer#start: pid=18 port=4567
Navigate to and it appears that the break point is being hit, however it is not showing up as being hit in VS Code.
When breakpoint is removed from code then it runs fine (shows "Hello World" in the browser.)
Use the disconnect button in VS Code to stop the debugging/application process in Docker.
Progress was made here, but may need to mount the actual drive as done in docker-compose