Researcher at ITMO University
ITMO University
- St. Petersburg, RUSSIA
ANMOP Public
Analytical and Numerical Methods in Optics and Photonics (Аналитические и численные методы в оптике и фотонике)
GratingGSM Public
Simulation of linear grating diffraction by the Generalized Source Method
GratingFMM Public
Fourier Modal Method for grating diffraction
DimmiLitho Public
Forked from vincentlv/DimmiLithoInclude pixel-based mask synthesis, imaging model for optical lithography in Python
Python MIT License UpdatedJul 10, 2022 -
gephys_mechanics_fall_2021 Public
Lectures on physics, Part I
gsmcc Public
grating diffraction calculation by the GSMCC