This Source-to-Image Builder let’s you create projects targetting Java OpenJDK 8 and built with:
If a project has a pom.xml and a build.gradle, maven will take precedence |
This builder/runtime s2i image can be used with SpringBoot, Vert.X, Wildfly Swarm, DropWizard and many other microservices frameworks.
APP_SUFFIX: Jar file suffix to use to locate the generated artifact to use (e.g. xxxxx${APP_SUFFIX}.jar)
BUILDER_ARGS: Allows you to specify options to pass to maven or gradle
If you do not specify any BUILDER_ARGS, by default the s2i image will use the following:
MAVEN_ARGS="package -Popenshift -DskipTests -Dcom.redhat.xpaas.repo.redhatga"
BUILDER_ARGS="build -x test"
First load all the needed resources in a project.
oc create -f
Once the builder s2i-java has been registered, you can create an app with:
Instant app already provided as template
Using the s2i-java builder image using a regular Git repository
There is a lot of example SpringBoot applications here