Hi there, This is Spotify Clone - iOS Native App Written in Swift 5 and based on Spotify REST API 👋
- Log in using OAuth 2.0 Method.
- Communicate with the Official Spotify API.
- Browse Albums, Playlists, Recommended Tracks.
- Play the List of Tracks insdie the Album/Playlist at once.
- Play any single Track you click on.
- Save Album to the User's Library.
- Remove Album from Library as well.
- Share Playlist with Other Apps.
- Long Tap on any Track to save it to a Playlist in the Library.
- Remove Tracks from Playlist in the Library.
- Create New Playlist in the User Library.
- Settings Screen to show the User Profile and Sign out Button.
- Display the Current User's profile fetched from the API.
- Share the User Profile with Other Apps.
- Scroll Horizontally between the playlists and the albums in the Library.
- Fetch the music Categories from the API.
- Fetch the playlists of each category as well.
- Fetch album Details from the API.
- Search for Tracks, Artists, Playlists, Albums.
- Fetch the Artist Details from the API.
- Failed to fetch data from API error handled.
- Pull to refresh Functionality to refetch from API.
- Log out from the App.
- playback and navigation between the tracks of the playlists/albums.
- Share Artist Profile with Other Apps.
- ProgressHUD for every API Fetch data till the fetching is done.
- Supports Dark Mode.
- App Current Version: V1.0
- Supported IOS : IOS 14.0 or above (Ipad is not supported)
- Swift Frameworks : Foundation- UIKit - WebKit - AVFoundation - SafariServices
- Third party Libraries : SDWebImage - MBProgressHUD
- Pattern : MVVM - Singleton - Delegation
- Supported languages in App : English
- I didn't include my clientID and the clientSecret i used for this App, you need to get yours from the API developer website