Monthly routines of Arewa Data Science
- 30 Days Of Python challenge
The pattern is 5 days in a week (weekdays only). The breakdown for the topics that will covered by day are as follows:
- Introduction
- Variables_builtin_functions
- Operators
- Strings
- Lists
- Tuples
- Sets
- Dictionaries
- Conditionals
- Loops
- Functions
- Modules
- List_comprehension
- Higher_order_functions
- Python_type_errors
- Python_date_time
- Exception_handling
- Regular_expressions
- File_handling/python for web
- Python_package_manager
- Classes_and_objects
- Web_scraping
- Virtual_environment
- Statistics
- Pandas
- Python_web
- Python_with_mongodb
- API building
- Building_API final
- Conclusions
- The introduction
- Getting Started with VSCode for python and jupyter notebook
- introduction to git()
- Git and GitHub via VSCode
- Git Pull, Push and Markdown VSCode
- Introduction to latex
- How to apply Graduate Scholarship