The purpose of this script is to clean the data set for further analaysis. File to run_analysis.R
- Download the dataset from this URL (https://d396qusza40orc.cloudfront.net/getdata%2Fprojectfiles%2FUCI%20HAR%20Dataset.zip) and unzip
- Set Working directory to this folder to run_anlaysis.R script
-Data from test and train files are loaded and combined (Subject,Labels)
-The features labels are input from features.txt. The indices containing the mean() or the std() measures are stored in a vector (indices), and the the features corresponding tto those indices are stored in a vector(features).
-The test and train features are concatenated and all columns are removed that do not have an index in the indices vector; only the columns with a mean() or std() remain.
-A new data set,tidydata, is created by aggregating the merged dataset based on the mean of all numeric columns by the subject and activity.
-tidydata is output to a file named tidydata.txt
After being run, run_analysis.R ,output of the tidy data set in a text file named tidydata.txt in the directory it was run from.