Solutions to Paul Hudson's "100 days of Swift" projects and challenges.
Type | Number | Completion |
Projects | 30 / 30 | 100% |
Challenges | 90 / 90 | 100% |
Milestone Projects | 10 / 10 | 100% |
Other | 1 / 1 | 100% |
Within each project are larger versions of the screenshots.
Projects / Topics | Screenshots |
Project 1 (with challenges) View controllers, Storyboard, FileManager |
Project 2 (with challenges) UIButton, CALayer, IBAction |
Project 3 (with challenge 1) (base: project 1) UIBarButtonItem, UIActivityController |
Project 3 - Challenge 2 (base: project 1) |
Project 3 - Challenge 3 (base: project 2) |
Milestone projects 1-3 |
Project 4 (with challenges) WKWebView, Action sheets, UIToolbar, UIProgressView |
Project 5 (with challenges) Reading from disk, UIAlertController, IndexPath |
Project 6a (base: project 2) Auto Layout, Constraints, Visual Format Language |
Project 6b (with challenges) Auto Layout, Constraints, Visual Format Language |
Milestone projects 4-6 |
Project 7 (with challenges) UITabBarController, JSON, Data, Codable |
Project 8 (with challenges) UI in code, Text alignment, Layout Margins, UIFont |
Project 9 (base: project 7) Grand Central Dispatch, PerformSelector |
Project 9 - Challenge 1 (base: project 1) |
Project 9 - Challenge 2 (base: project 8) |
Project 9 - Challenge 3 (base: project 7) |
Milestone projects 7-9 |
Project 10 (with challenges 1 and 2) UICollectionView, UIImagePickerController, NSObject |
Project 10 - Challenge 3 (base: project 1) |
Project 11 (with challenges) SpriteKit, Nodes, UITouch, Physics Body, SKAction, Collisions, Emitters |
Project 12 |
No screenshot |
Project 12a (base: project 10) UserDefaults, JSON, NSCoding |
Project 12b (base: project 10) UserDefaults, JSON, Codable |
Project 12 - Challenge 1 (base: project 1) |
Project 12 - Challenge 2 (base: project 2) |
Project 12 - Challenge 3 (base: project 5) |
Milestone projects 10-12 |
Project 13 (with challenges) UISlider, UIImagePickerController, CIContext, CIFilter, Saving photos |
Project 14 (with challenges) SKCropNode, SKTexture, SKAction |
Project 15 Animation, CGAffineTransform |
Project 15 - Challenge 1 (base: project 8) |
Project 15 - Challenge 2 (base: project 13) |
Project 15 - Challenge 3 (base: project 2) |
Milestone projects 13-15 |
Project 16 (with challenges) MapKit, MKMapView, MKAnnotation, CLLocationCoordinate2D |
Project 17 (with challenges) Collisions, Timer, Linear / Angular damping |
Project 18 Debugging |
No screenshot |
Project 18 - Challenge 1-2 (base: project 1) |
Milestone projects 16-18 |
Project 19 (with challenges) Safari Extensions, NSExtensionItem, UITextView, NotificationCenter |
Project 20 (with challenges) UIBezierPath, SKAction follow, Emitter nodes |
Project 21 (with challenges 1 and 2) Notifications, UNUserNotificationCenter, UNNotificationRequest |
Project 21 - Challenge 3 (base: project 2) |
Milestone projects 19-21 |
Project 22 (with challenges) iBeacons, Core Location, CLBeaconRegion |
Project 23 (with challenges) SKShapeNode, AVAudioPlayer, CGPath, UIBezierPath, SKTexture |
Project 24 (with challenges) Strings, NSAttributedString |
No screenshot |
Milestone projects 22-24 |
No screenshot |
Project 25 (with challenges) Peer to Peer networking, MCSession, MCBrowserViewController, MCPeerID |
Project 26 (with challenges) Accelerometer, CMMotionManager, Load level from file, Physics Bitmasks |
Project 27 (with challenges 1 and 2) Core Graphics, UIGraphicsImageRenderer, Fills and Strokes, Transforms |
Project 27 - Challenge 3 (base: project 3) |
Milestone projects 25-27 |
Core Graphics redux |
No screenshot |
Project 28 (with challenges 1 and 2) Biometrics authentication, Touch ID, Face ID, iOS keychain |
Project 28 - Challenge 3 (base: project 10) |
Project 29 (with challenges) SKTexture, Filling a path, Mixing UIKit and SpriteKit, Texture atlases |
Project 30 (with challenges 1 and 3) Instruments, Time Profiler, Allocations, Shadows, Table cells in code |
Project 30 - Challenge 2 (base: Milestone projects 1-3) |
Milestone projects 28-30 |