This is a Roman Numerals Converter console application using the Java programming language.
Convert the Roman Numerals for numbers 1 to 10. The user is prompted to enter a Roman numeral and the application will convert it to the equivalent Arabic numeral.
For a full Roman numerals converter, please have a look to the TDD Roman Numerals kata.
As a user
I would like to use the Roman Numerals Converter console application
So that I can convert my roman numerals into numbers
GIVEN The user starts the console application and is prompted with the message Please enter a Roman Numeral
WHEN The user enters the roman numeral I
THEN The application will print the conversion to the console. In this case, the Roman Numeral I is converted to the number 1
GIVEN The user starts the console application and is prompted with the message: Please enter a Roman Numeral
WHEN The user enters the roman numeral II
THEN The application will print the conversion to the console. In this case, the Roman Numeral II is converted to the number 2
- cd to the project root folder in the command line
mvn compile
mvn exec:java -Dexec.mainClass=clan.techreturners.romannumerals.converter.RomanNumeralsConverter
To run tests use:
mvn test
This project was built using:
- Java 17.0.2
- JUnit 5.8.2
- Maven 3.8.5
- IntelliJ 2021.3.2 (Community Edition).