Jarvis, a simple personal assistant
Check out the demo video by clicking here https://youtu.be/dDGsYniTtmw
In this mini project, I've attempted to create a very simple Personal Assistant that understands speech and replies accordingly. This project is based on simple python code.
Jarvis-Ai-Assistant can perform tasks like:
AbdulHadi said: Hey Jarvis
J.A.R.V.I.S : hello sir, what can i do for you?
AbdulHadi said: What's the time
J.A.R.V.I.S : The current time is 12.32 am
AbdulHadi said: What's the date
J.A.R.V.I.S : Today's date is 02-06-2020
AbdulHadi said: Remember that
J.A.R.V.I.S : What do you want me to remember sir?
AbdulHadi said : Your name is Jarvis!
J.A.R.V.I.S : You told me to remember that "your name is Jarvis",I remember that now.
AbdulHadi said: Do you know anything
J.A.R.V.I.S : You have said me to remember that "your name is Jarvis"
AbdulHadi said: Take screenshot
J.A.R.V.I.S : Done
So these are few tasks Jarvis (v1) can perform, explore the code for more tasks in detail.
In order to run this assistant you need to install the following dependencies and packages of python.
Any version of python is needed to be installed before installing these packages. (I've used python 3.8 and Pycharm as IDE)
pyttsx3 - pip install pyttsx3
pyaudio - pip install pyaudio
Speech Recognition - pip install SpeechRecognition
Wikipedia - pip install wikipedia
Make sure you import all other packages mentioned in required.txt
- Clone or download the repository
- Unzip the file
- Open the python file in any editor or IDE(Pycharm, Spyder, Visual Studio Code etc)
- Install the above mentioned packages and import all the required files.
- Run the code and Jarvis (v1) will be at your service :)