Script to create snapshot of storage gateway. We have 2 gateways, One prod and another one that is Dev. For PROD gateway we want our snapshot to be copied over to DR region(us-west-2). For Dev, we only take snapshot in local region.
Following are the list of scripts that can be scheduled in cron = Create snapshot of storage gateway volumes. Change gateway ARN for DEV and PROD accordingly. = Script to delete snapshot older than 30 days for weekly and 20 days for daily filter. This script goes hand in hand with "". As we create tags, that have "CreatedBy" and "BACKUPTYPE_TAG" that we use to filter for deleting old snapshot.
Look at "sample_log_file_for_create_gateway_snap.log" for output of in
Additional script not related to Storage Gateway: = Script to check if any volumes attached to servers don't have recent snapshot(older than 48 hours). If there are any volumes/servers that do not have recent snapshot we send an email alert.
AWS Policy used by these script should have following allowed:
- storagegateway list-volume
- storagegateway list-tags-for-resource
- storagegateway create-snapshot
- storagegateway list-gateways
- ec2 create-tags
- ec2 describe-snapshots
- ec2 describe-tags
- ec2 copy-snapshot
- ec2 delete-snapshot
Altough Storage Gateway lets you schedule snapshot on regular basis but there is nothing to copy it to DR Region if required