FoneFernence is an android app which makes easy Conferencing or smart conferencing
App Overview or Flow of APP
1-> Splash Screen
2-> Signin and Signup working with FireBase Authentication
3-> QR scanning for Audiance which Authenticates them to event
4-> QR Code generator for EVent Hosts
5-> Bottom Navigation Bar with 4 Tabs -> Event Details Tab fetch the details of current event from firebase databse -> Event Audiance Tab which fetch details of event audiance from firebase database and put it into a recycle view -> Goods list Tab which has 4 Card view which is SLIDES,NOTES that are uploaded by Speaker of the event and CERTIFICATES,FOOD COUPENS which are uploaded by event host -> Profile tab which displays the profile of the current user which will be showen to other users of event
Future Updates
Implement new UI Components to the App
Implement WEBRTC based communication channel for triggering Smartphone Microphone to speek up his ideas
For event speeker show his slides dirictly from phone which will help hi to step into the stage without his lap