This repository has all the code as used in the HBase book.
The main contents of the book can be viewed in the link :
- Chapter 1 Introduction
- The Dawn of Big Data; The Problem with Relational Database Systems; Nonrelational Database Systems, Not-Only SQL or NoSQL?; Building Blocks; HBase: The Hadoop Database;
- Chapter 2 Installation
- Quick-Start Guide; Requirements; Filesystems for HBase; Installation Choices; Run Modes; Configuration; Deployment; Operating a Cluster;
- Chapter 3 Client API: The Basics
- General Notes; CRUD Operations; Batch Operations; Row Locks; Scans; Miscellaneous Features;
- Chapter 4 Client API: Advanced Features
- Filters; Counters; Coprocessors; HTablePool; Connection Handling;
- Chapter 5 Client API: Administrative Features
- Schema Definition; HBaseAdmin;
- Chapter 6 Available Clients
- Introduction to REST, Thrift, and Avro; Interactive Clients; Batch Clients; Shell; Web-based UI;
- Chapter 7 MapReduce Integration
- Framework; MapReduce over HBase; Chapter 8 Architecture; Seek Versus Transfer; Storage; Write-Ahead Log; Read Path; Region Lookups; The Region Life Cycle; ZooKeeper; Replication;
- Chapter 9 Advanced Usage
- Key Design; Advanced Schemas; Secondary Indexes; Search Integration; Transactions; Bloom Filters; Versioning;
- Chapter 10 Cluster Monitoring
- Introduction; The Metrics Framework; Ganglia; JMX; Nagios;
- Chapter 11 Performance Tuning
- Garbage Collection Tuning; Memstore-Local Allocation Buffer; Compression; Optimizing Splits and Compactions; Load Balancing; Merging Regions; Client API: Best Practices; Configuration; Load Tests;
- Chapter 12 Cluster Administration
- Operational Tasks; Data Tasks; Additional Tasks; Changing Logging Levels; Troubleshooting; Appendix HBase Configuration Properties; Appendix Road Map; HBase 0.92.0; HBase 0.94.0;
- Appendix Upgrade from Previous Releases
- Upgrading to HBase 0.90.x; Upgrading to HBase 0.92.0;
- Appendix Distributions
- Cloudera’s Distribution Including Apache Hadoop;
Appendix Hush SQL Schema
Appendix HBase Versus Bigtable Colophon ABOUT US