- Upgrade all packages dependencies;
- Add support for Wallet-Connect v2;
- Clean code & folders structure;
- Improve code readability.
- Add dark mode support
- Add support for: Optimism, Arbitrum, zkSync & Fantom networks
- This is a work in progress...
- No Typescript expert and no React expert either, so any contribution/improvement pull-request is welcomed!
Simple and minimalist Web3 boilerplate to boost your Dapp development. Don't waste time setting up CRA, Typescript, react-script v5 polyfill, and connecting metamask and other wallets any longer. Instead, get this web3-boilerplate and start coding right away with the latest stack available out there!
Try it yourself: https://web3-boilerplate.netlify.app/
- node.js installed (developped on LTS v18)
- typescript installed (developped on v5.1.6)
- yarn installed
- MetaMask (or any web3 compatible wallet) installed in your browser
Once your config is ready, create a new repo, open your favorite code editor, and clone the repo with the following cmd:
git clone https://github.com/Pedrojok01/Web3-Boilerplate.git .
yarn install
IMPORTANT: Double check your package.json to make sure you've installed the exact same version for all @web3-react packages. Since the version 8+ is still in beta, it may not be automatically installed.
Create a .env file at the root of your project and copy the content of the .env.example file into it. Then, fill in the following variables:
REACT_APP_INFURA_KEY = "your API key here";
REACT_APP_WALLETCONNECT_PROJECT_ID = "Project id needed for WalletConnect v2";
yarn start
- Web3 Wallet (Metamask / Wallet connect / Coinbase)
- Chain selector
- Wallet balance
- Sign Messages & Transfer Native
- Dark mode support
- Hook to query user's Token Balances
- Hook to query user's NFTs