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Pokemon Showdown Bot for Node

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This is a Pokemon Showdown bot written in JavaScript for Node, based on Pokemon Showdown Bot.

This bot is based on commands and features, which are explained below. This is intended to ease bot configuration and customization, separating commands in multiple files, multiple features in different folders and merging functions in Global Objects like Bot, CommandParser or Settings.


Pokémon Showdown Bot requires node.js to run. Install the last stable version if you do not have it.

The first step is cloning this repo, install Git if you have not it and use the following command on shell console:

$ git clone --branch=master git:// Pokemon-Showdown-Node-Bot

You can also download a Zip of this repo and decompress it.

Then open a shell console, use cd to reach the directory of the bot and install dependencies:

$ npm install --production

If you want to use Gulp test, install all dependencies with npm install

Now, to start the bot use node index.js

To configure your bot, copy config-example.js to config.js and edit that file. You can specify bot login credentials among other things. If you don't specify credentials, the bot will log in a random username started by 'Bot'. Read the Configuration Guide for more information

Keeping your bot updated

If you know all about Git you don't need to read this. This is just for people who want to make changes in their bots, but still want to keep them updated regarding this repo.

First, fork this repo. You can do it with the button Fork

Second, clone your repo in your computer, you can do it with GitHub desktop Client for Windows or Mac or with a shell console:

$ git clone <your own fork> <My-Bot-Example-Folder>

Third, create a remote to get the updates (first use cd to reach the directory of your bot):

$ git remote add upstream

Now, you can make changes, and commit them.

When you want to update, you can follow these steps:

  • Open a shell console and use cd to reach the directory of your bot
  • If you have uncommited changes use git add --all and git commit -m "Your commit message"
  • Use git fetch upstream to update your base version of Pokemon-Showdown-Node-Bot
  • Use git checkout master an then git merge remotes/upstream/master
  • If you get conflicts, solve them and use git commit -a
  • Once merged, your bot is updated


Once copied config.js from config-example.js you can edit config options to customize the bot.

Connection Details

  • Config.server: Server url, for example main server url is
  • Config.port: Connection port, Pokemon Showdown default port is 8000
  • Config.serverid: Server id, main server id is showdown for example
  • Config.autoReconnectDelay: If connection gets closed, how much time it is waiting before reconnect
  • Config.connectionTimeout: If connection hang up, the time to check for reconnect


  • Config.crashguard: If true, write errors to console instead of crashing

Login Details

  • Config.nick: Bot Nickname, if you don't specify a nickname, it will log in a random nickname
  • Config.pass: Password, if needed
  • Config.autoReloginDelay: If it can't login because of server issues, how much time it is waiting before relogin


  • Config.rooms: Array of rooms to join after login. You can specify a string value: all for joining all rooms, official for official rooms and public for not official rooms
  • Config.privateRooms: Specify which rooms are private
  • Config.initCmds: Array of commands to send after login

Auth Config

  • Config.exceptions: Specify rank exceptions. Use userid: true for full permissions
  • Config.ranks: Array of user groups ordered from lowest to highest auth

Commands Config

  • Config.commandTokens: Array of valid command characters. A command character, for example, . means .command usage
  • Config.defaultPermission: Default permision set for this.can in commands permissions
  • Config.permissionExceptions: Exceptions for commands permissions

Language Config

  • Config.language: Set default language

Console Config

  • Config.debug: Specify which console messages are shown


Bot commands are in the folder commands separated in different files. A command file has the following structure:

Settings.addPermissions(['permission1', 'permission2', 'permission3']); //Add command permission for 'can' method (optional)

exports.commands = {
	altcommand1: 'command1', //commands can be references to other commands
	command1: function (arg, by, room, cmd) { //command are functions
		//do stuff
	command2: function (arg, by, room, cmd) {
		//do stuff

Commands have 4 arguments:

  • arg: Command argument when you use for example command [argument]
  • by: User who executed the command
  • room: Room where the command has been executed
  • cmd: Original command before refrerences. For example if you use altcommand1, cmd is altcommand1 but the function correspond to command1

Also, command have a context:

  • this.arg - Argument
  • - Argument
  • - Argument
  • this.cmd - Argument
  • this.handler - Command function name
  • this.cmdToken - Command character used. Example: .say hi means this.cmdToken = .
  • this.roomType - Can be 'chat', 'battle' or 'pm'
  • this.botName - Bot username
  • this.reply (pm) - Replies in the same room (chat or pm)
  • this.pmReply (text) - Replies by pm
  • this.restrictReply (text, permission) - Replies by chat if user has permission, by pm otherwise
  • this.say (room, text) - Say something to other room
  • this.isRanked (rank) - True if ranked equal or above, false if not
  • this.isRoomRanked (room, rank) - True if ranked equal or above (in specified room), false if not
  • this.botRanked (rank) - True if the bot has this rank or above, false if not
  • this.isExcepted - True if the user is excepted, false if not
  • this.can (permission) - True if user has permission, false if not
  • this.canSet (permission, rank) - Checks if the user has permission to use set command
  • this.hasRank (user, rank, room) - Similar to isRoomRanked but more general
  • this.getRoom (room) - Get a room object or null (if the bot is not in that room)
  • this.getRoomUsers (room) - Get an array of users who are in a room or null (if the bot is not in that room)
  • this.getUser (user, room) - Get an user object or null (if the user or the bot are not in that room)
  • this.trad (textId) - Returns a text from the corresponding languages file
  • this.parse (cmd) - Parse a message (to call other commands)


Bot features are complex modules hat fulfill secondary functions, located in the folder features. Each feature is a folder that must have an index.js main file. That file will be required of bot start and should have the following minimum structure: = 'featureid';
exports.desc = 'Simple Feature description';

exports.init = function () {
	//init function

exports.parse = function (room, message, isIntro, spl) {
	//data parse

Features must have and unique id and two essential functions:

  • init - Is called on connection to server, to delete residual data or start/restart feature timeouts.
  • parse - It will receive all server messages, already separated in lines, each parse call is a new line received.



Part of this code is imported from other developments, so credits to:


Pokemon Showdown Bot for Node







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  • JavaScript 100.0%