A simple & (not so) stupid UCI chess engine
Dumb is based on the following algorithms:
- Bitboard/mailbox legal move generator based on magic bitboards (new in 1.5)
- PVS/negascout search with aspiration windows
- simple quiescence search with see pruning (new in 1.5)
- simple 4-bucket hash table (no ageing)
- simple evaluation function with knowledge limited to material, positional and tempo (no pawn structure, mobility, king safety, imbalance, trapped pieces, ...) tuned to probably suboptimal coefficients.
- simple (insertion) move sorting: hash move + mvvlva ordered good capture/promotions + killer moves + quiet moves (with history) + bad captures
- null move pruning, razoring and eval pruning, LMR (no LMP, probcut, ...)
- checking move extension (no singular move extension)
- can do perft with bulk count and divide
- include a basic test for the move generator and a bench(mark) to estimate search speed.
version 1.5 expected about +200 elo vs 1.4
version 1.4
- CCRL rating 40/2: 2359
- CGET rating 40/4: 2155
version 1.3:
- CCRL rating 40/2: 2272
- CGET rating 40/4: 2087