PluginParameters is a JUCE module which manages automatically different types of plugin parameters. It intends to help automating things in the development of cross-platform plugins taking it from where JUCE leaves you in the wild.
This version of the PluginParameters module is released under the GPLv.2. Please consider a symbolic donation if you wish to see it updated or sponsor a feature (they will be deduced from the Commercial License, if you consider upgrading later). Alternatively, a Commercial License (available for 149eur) allows you to use this module in closed-source projects and provides you full compatibility with the latest release of JUCE, support for XCode and Visual Studio and extra features.
For more details, send me a Personal Message at the JUCE forum (MarC).
If you are new to JUCE, first download it into a local folder. Next drag-and-drop the "modules" folder to your local JUCE folder. When you create a new project in JUCE, the Introjucer will detect automatically the PluginParameters module. Switch it on and you are ready to go!
###What it does
- It can be used to build a VST/AU/RTAS plugin or built-in plugins (AudioPluginInstance's).
- Includes methods to map any integer, float or bool parameter types to the host float range of [0,1] back and forth linearly, logarithmically (w/out a 0, w/out a sign). Custom mappings can also be defined.
- Parameters can be grouped as ParamGroups, which may be nested. This allows to create quite easily independent plugin building blocks.
- Arrays and Matrices are defined for each defined parameter type (they are both a subclass of ParamGroup).
- Allows parameters to be registered at the host (automated by default) or to be left unregistered (non-automated) but saved/restored anyway internally at the end/beginning of each session.
- Provides methods to load/save selected parameters from/to the host session automatically.
- Should compile correctly in Visual Studio and Xcode.
###Only with a commercial license
- Preset Manager.
- Includes Undo/Redo's from parameter changes made in the UI.
The Preset manager is a class which provides utilities to load, save, rename, delete, reset XML preset files that store all parameter values of a ParamGroup recursively. It marks files that are loaded as read-only so that they cannot loaded twice or modified outside the plugin, supports preset "folder-files" (where the actual preset file is created inside a folder of the same name) and tracks unsaved changes with an "*" next to the preset file name.
A demo of a possible UI for this class is available in the PluginParametersGroupsDemo example. Additionally, it includes commented lines of the code that would be necessary to setup the Preset Manager.
Please refer to the last section of Reference (Advanced Usages), to see how Undos/Redos, custom float parameter mappings and parameters with other float and int types are supported.
This page provides detailed instructions to create your plugin from scratch using the PluginParameters module. Alternatively, you can build on the example plugins available in the "plugins" folder:
These two plugins are released independently from the PluginParameters module, with a MIT license.
This will probably help you understand the code quicker.
Tune-in to the JUCE forum to submit comments, bug reports, etc.