Based on: public template
All suggest to improve this minimal stack are welcome :)
This template has been designed to meet the following requirements:
A just installed backend container with:
- Laravel 11
- PHP 8.3
- Supervisor with php command artisan queue:work
- Xdebug 3
A frontend container with the official dockerhub node 20 image and angular CLI 18
A mysql container with official mysql: latest dockerhub image
A phpmyadmin container with the official dockerhub image phpmyadmin / phpmyadmin, linked to the mysql container in order to access the DB
A nginx webserver container with the official image of the dockerhub nginx: alpine
The /docker/backend/supervisor/supervisord.conf file is linked in the backend container. Editing that file is instantly replicated to the container
First installation
Proceed with the copy of the .env.example file for setting the project and user name to be created for DB mysql
cp .env.example .env
docker-compose build
Wait for everything to be configured
docker-compose up -d
Once all the containers are initialized, you need to connect to the backend container:
docker exec -t -i backend / bin / bash
we will find ourselves already in the folder / var / www / backend
Proceed with the copy of the .env.example file ( Change only mysql db name, user and password with the same .env docker istance)
cp .env.example .env
we install all the dependencies:
composer install
For the backend it is not necessary to execute the command php artisan because the nginx container is linked on the public laraver folder
As for the frontend (Angular) I made sure to expose the 4200, in this way you edit the file locally but links it on the docker instantly and angular cli does the rest on the docker.
So here are the links currently configured:
backend: localhost:8000
frontend: localhost:4200
phpmyadmin: localhost:7000