A sleek and easy-to-use focused release of Robert Franke's icebreaker with enhanced analysis support.
- Removed inclination detector support
- Removed server
- Fixed average.py
- all paths used for the analysis scripts are now found in analysis/config.sh, which defines the paths as variables and thus might need to be sourced
- However, it is still needed to check the paths in icebreaker.py and barometer.py
- fixed the generation of the status webpage
- reworked the analysis.sh script. It is now more sleek and easier to read. Unused features have been removed
- don't fail if the barometer does not work
data dir: A single dir for the rawdata and pre-analyzed data is recommended - structured like this:
rawdata (datadir) |_ analysis |_ daq |_ pressure
analysis/analysis.sh and analysis/send_report.sh need crontab entries to be executed each day
if data should be back-up'd another crontab entry is recommended
icebreaker.py and barometer.py both have to run via the python daemon library. To do so, the service architecture of ubuntu is invoked
You can start services with: sudo service daq start
That this works, the script "daq" has to be in the /etc/init.d/ folders. This is taken care of by icebreaker/daq/setup_boot.sh and similar for the barometer by icebreaker/barometer/setup_boot.sh
A temporary folder needs to exist and has to be given in analysis/config.sh
Rechner bootet nicht sauber durch, wenn Barometer angesteckt ist (Kernel wirft Fehler wenn er versucht das USB Device zu resetten) Loesung: Batterie erneuern?
USB-Stick und SD-Karte mit ext3 formatieren -> Done
libbarometer.so Pfad konfigurierbar machen -> Done
Wie macht man einen ordentlichen Daemon? -> Done
Upstartintegration? ->Done
Logfile Rotation Period auf 1 Tag aendern! -> Done
Time synchronization with NTP -> Done, /etc/cron.daily/ntpdate
Plotting in cron job with matplotlib didn't work because it couldn't find the DISPLAY -> Solved, changed backend to Agg in /etc/matplotlibrc, interactive to false
- We are going to run without an inclination sensor, thus remove it from analysis
- Muon extraction doesn't work, fix...
- We are going to run without the usb stick, thus remove it from crontab (synching) and fstab