Nasa Space Apps Challenge 2017 by Team Sigma Impact (Contributors achintsa,dangerCoders, shikhar022) Must visit for better perspective: https://2017.spaceappschallenge.org/challenges/our-ecological-neighborhood/our-planet-our-home/teams/sigma-impact/project
What it does? Bringing people into perspective about the natural calamities we have imposed on the environment. Why?? Because people are ignorant of the fact what they do to the environment.We want people to realize how humans collectively have harmed nature to a dangerous situation, with very slight chances of return to normal.
- NASA’s earth science data getting captured by batch jobs periodically on our backend servers.
- Mapping that data and superimposing that dataset onto a map to create impactful data visualization in the form of frames.
- Stitching all the similar frames together to form videos.
- Binding the video and superimposing it onto the 3D object using ar.js and three.js.
- Interaction with AI powered chatbot to see these compelling visualizations to see direct human impact on nature due to elevated greenhouse emissions and many more.
Tech Stack This project runs with Spring Boot and Nasa Earth science data and contains Augmented Reality experiments as well for your reference to create compelling AR inspired visualizations for the user interacting with a chat bot.
Chatbot url: m.me/1883035041974863 API Key: 5SJOws637Na1SwRiSERITAm7I3aubnno4ADAsXav Nasa Open APIs URL: https://api.nasa.gov/api.html#NeoWS demo API fetch URL: https://api.nasa.gov/planetary/apod?api_key=5SJOws637Na1SwRiSERITAm7I3aubnno4ADAsXav