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Add approximation of salient object bounds as a post-processing step.
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achirkin committed May 30, 2020
1 parent ad72a1f commit 18b2f3f
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Showing 2 changed files with 227 additions and 29 deletions.
233 changes: 208 additions & 25 deletions include/salient.cuh
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Expand Up @@ -33,6 +33,17 @@ namespace salient
float translation[3];

/** A volume in the image+depth space. */
struct SceneBounds
int left;
int top;
int right;
int bottom;
float near;
float far;

class FrameTransform
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cudaArray *depthArray, *depthInterpArray, *lhoodArray;
cudaTextureObject_t depthTex, depthInterpTex, lhoodTex;
cudaSurfaceObject_t depthInterpSurf;
/** A buffer to render a temporary histogram and output SceneBounds in the optional post-processing step. */
uint32_t *postProcess_temp;
uint32_t *postProcess_temp_cpu;
static const int depthHistSize = 256;

static void initUint16Frame(const int w, const int h, cudaArray *&array, cudaTextureObject_t *texture);
template <int TexChannels>
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/** Copy the color buffer into the GPU and populate the feature buffer with the provided GetFeature function. */
void loadColorFrame();

/** Use the earlier initialized depth data to initialize labels.
* @param depth_low cutoff near distance in meters.
* @param depth_high cutoff far distance in meters.
void buildLabels(const float depth_low, const float depth_high);
/** Use the earlier initialized depth data to initialize labels. */
void buildLabels(const SceneBounds foreground_bounds);

/** Run all models on the current frame. */
void runModels(const int gmmIterations = 10, const int crfIterations = 5);
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float *probabilities;

* Aligned and imputed values of depth in the processing image space (downscaled color).
* Imputed values are saved with negative sign.
float *aligned_depth;

/** Focal length of the color image plane, as a multiple of pixel size */
const float colorFx, colorFy;

const cudaStream_t mainStream,
const CameraIntrinsics depthIntrinsics,
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depthArray(nullptr), depthInterpArray(nullptr), lhoodArray(nullptr),
gmmModel(mainStream, W * H),
crfModel(mainStream, W * H, gmmModel.logLikelihoodPtr()),
probabilities(nullptr), aligned_depth(nullptr),
postProcess_temp(nullptr), postProcess_temp_cpu(nullptr),
colorFx(colorIntrinsics.fx), colorFy(colorIntrinsics.fy)
cudaMalloc((void **)&probabilities, sizeof(float) * color_W * color_H);
cudaMalloc((void **)&postProcess_temp, sizeof(uint32_t) * (W + H + depthHistSize));
cudaMalloc((void **)&aligned_depth, sizeof(float) * W * H);
postProcess_temp_cpu = new uint32_t[W + H + depthHistSize];

initUint16Frame(depth_W, depth_H, depthArray, &depthTex);
initInterpolatedFrame<1>(depth_W, depth_H, depthInterpArray, &depthInterpTex, &depthInterpSurf);
initInterpolatedFrame<2>(W, H, lhoodArray, &lhoodTex, nullptr);
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delete[] postProcess_temp_cpu;
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* Process a pair of frames (depth and color) and store the probabilities (of being foreground, per-pixel).
* @param host_depth_buffer an image from the depth camera.
* @param depth_low cutoff near distance in meters.
* @param depth_high cutoff far distance in meters.
* @param foreground_bounds cutoff near and far distance in meters and min/max x/y pixel positions in the space of the color camera.
* @param gmmIterations number of iterations in EM estimation algorithm for GMMs.
* @param crfIterations number of passes in CRF inference.
void processFrames(
const uint16_t *host_depth_buffer,
const float depth_low,
const float depth_high,
const SceneBounds foreground_bounds,
const int gmmIterations = 10,
const int crfIterations = 5);

* Try to infer bounds on the salient object (foreground).
* It gets the final labeling for the current frame and aggregates minimum/maximum positions and depths of the foreground pixels.
* The bounds are in the space of the color camera.
* @param percentile is used to ignore a small fraction of outlier foreground pixels.
* @param maxDepth maximum value of depth to keep in the histogram (in meters).
* @param margin add this number to the bounds size (in meters).
* @param minSize minimum size of the bounds (in meters).
* @param maxSize maximum size of the bounds (in meters).
SceneBounds postprocessInferBounds(const float percentile = 0.95f, const float maxDepth = 6.0f, const float margin = 0.3f, const float minSize = 0.5f, const float maxSize = 2.5f);

dim3 enlargeSquare(const dim3 square, const int pow2)
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// 1 - background
__global__ void depth_to_labels(
const int W, const int H,
const int downsampleRatio,
cudaTextureObject_t depthTex,
cudaTextureObject_t depthInterpTex,
int8_t *out_labels,
float *out_depth,
const float depthScale,
const float depth_low,
const float depth_high,
const SceneBounds foreground_bounds,
const salient::FrameTransform color2depth)
const int i = blockIdx.x * blockDim.x + threadIdx.x;
const int j = blockIdx.y * blockDim.y + threadIdx.y;
if (i >= W || j >= H)

const bool inBounds =
downsampleRatio * i >= foreground_bounds.left &&
downsampleRatio * i < foreground_bounds.right &&
downsampleRatio * j >= &&
downsampleRatio * j < foreground_bounds.bottom;
float di = (float)i;
float dj = (float)j;
float dx, dy;
float depth = max(0.3f, 0.5f * (depth_high + depth_low));
float depth = max(0.3f, 0.5f * (foreground_bounds.far + foreground_bounds.near));
// get approximate depth first
color2depth.transform(di, dj, depth, dx, dy);
depth = tex2D<float>(depthInterpTex, dx, dy);
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depth = tex2D<uint16_t>(depthTex, dx, dy) * depthScale;
if (depth > 0)
out_labels[i + j * W] = (depth > depth_high || depth < depth_low) ? 1 : 0;
out_depth[i + j * W] = depth;
out_labels[i + j * W] = (!inBounds || depth > foreground_bounds.far || depth < foreground_bounds.near) ? 1 : 0;
out_labels[i + j * W] = -1;
out_depth[i + j * W] = -tex2D<float>(depthInterpTex, dx, dy);
out_labels[i + j * W] = inBounds ? -1 : 1;

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template <int C, int GaussianK, class GetFeature>
void RealSalient<C, GaussianK, GetFeature>::buildLabels(const float depth_low, const float depth_high)
void RealSalient<C, GaussianK, GetFeature>::buildLabels(const SceneBounds foreground_bounds)
const unsigned int X(3); // gets to the power-of-two; the image scan block size multiplier
depth_to_labels<<<distribute(dimWork, squareBlockSize), squareBlockSize, 0, mainStream>>>(W, H, depthTex, depthInterpTex, gmmModel.labelsPtr(), depthScale, depth_low, depth_high, color2depth);
depth_to_labels<<<distribute(dimWork, squareBlockSize), squareBlockSize, 0, mainStream>>>(W, H, downsampleRatio, depthTex, depthInterpTex, gmmModel.labelsPtr(), aligned_depth, depthScale, foreground_bounds, color2depth);
labels_impute<X><<<distribute(dimWork, enlargeSquare(squareBlockSize, X)), squareBlockSize, squareBlockSize.x * squareBlockSize.y * sizeof(int8_t) * 2, mainStream>>>(W, H, gmmModel.labelsPtr());

template <int C, int GaussianK, class GetFeature>
void RealSalient<C, GaussianK, GetFeature>::initModels()
// add a color independent term (feature = pixel location 0..W-1, 0..H-1)
smoothnessPairwise = new crf::PairwisePotential<2, 2>(mainStream, W, H, 3.0f, 3.0f);
smoothnessPairwise = new crf::PairwisePotential<2, 2>(mainStream, W, H, 3.0f, 4.0f);
smoothnessPairwise->loadImage(); // this one does not require an image, so is initialized only once.

// add a color dependent term (feature = xyrgb)
appearancePairwise = new crf::PairwisePotential<2, 2 + C>(mainStream, W, H, 10.0f, 40.0f, 20.0f);
appearancePairwise = new crf::PairwisePotential<2, 2 + C>(mainStream, W, H, 10.0f, 60.0f, 25.0f);

similarityPairwise = new crf::PairwisePotential<2, C>(mainStream, W, H, 2.0f, 0, 100.0f);
// add a position independent term (feature = rgb)
similarityPairwise = new crf::PairwisePotential<2, C>(mainStream, W, H, 0.5f, 0, 100.0f);

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if (crfIterations > 0)
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template <int C, int GaussianK, class GetFeature>
void RealSalient<C, GaussianK, GetFeature>::processFrames(
const uint16_t *host_depth_buffer,
const float depth_low,
const float depth_high,
const SceneBounds foreground_bounds,
const int gmmIterations,
const int crfIterations)
buildLabels(depth_low, depth_high);
runModels(gmmIterations, crfIterations);

auto lhoodPtr = crfIterations > 0 ? crfModel.logLikelihoodPtr() : gmmModel.logLikelihoodPtr();
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compute_probabilities<<<distribute(dimColor, squareBlockSize), squareBlockSize, 0, mainStream>>>(color_W, color_H, W, H, probabilities, lhoodTex);

__global__ void postprocess_histograms(
const int W, const int H, const int D,
const float max_depth,
uint32_t *out_hists,
cudaTextureObject_t lhoodTex /** likelihoods of being in a class. */,
const float *in_depth /** aligned, float-valued depth in meters. Negative values mean imputed. */)
extern __shared__ uint32_t shists[];
const int bd = blockDim.x; // == blockDim.y;
uint32_t *hist_sx = shists;
uint32_t *hist_sy = hist_sx + bd * bd;
uint32_t *hist_x = out_hists;
uint32_t *hist_y = hist_x + W;
uint32_t *hist_d = hist_y + H;
const int si = threadIdx.x;
const int sj = threadIdx.y;
const int i = blockIdx.x * bd + si;
const int j = blockIdx.y * bd + sj;
const bool outOfBounds = i >= W || j >= H;
const float2 lhoods = tex2D<float2>(lhoodTex, i, j);
const bool foreground = !outOfBounds && lhoods.x > lhoods.y;
const float depth = foreground ? in_depth[i + j * W] : 0;

if (depth > 0 && depth < max_depth)
atomicAdd(hist_d + lrintf((D - 1) * depth / max_depth), 1);

hist_sx[si + sj * bd] = foreground ? 1 : 0;
hist_sy[si + sj * bd] = foreground ? 1 : 0;


for (unsigned int t = bd >> 1; t > 0; t >>= 1)
if (sj < t)
hist_sx[si + sj * bd] += hist_sx[si + (sj + t) * bd];

if (si < t)
hist_sy[si + sj * bd] += hist_sy[si + t + sj * bd];


if (si == 0 && !outOfBounds)
atomicAdd(hist_y + j, hist_sy[sj * bd]);

if (sj == 0 && !outOfBounds)
atomicAdd(hist_x + i, hist_sx[si]);

void getArrayPercentile(int N, const uint32_t *array, const float percentile, int &out_min, int &out_max)
uint32_t sum = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < N; i++)
sum += array[i];
uint32_t thresh = (uint32_t)roundf((1.0f - percentile) * 0.5f * sum);
out_min = 0;
out_max = N;
uint32_t s = 0;
while (s < thresh)
s += array[out_min];
s = 0;
while (s < thresh)
s += array[out_max];

void applyLimits(const float minValue, const float maxValue, const float margin, const float minSize, const float maxSize, float &x, float &y)
x = max(minValue, x - margin);
y = min(maxValue, y + margin);
float diff = min(maxSize, max(minSize, y - x)) * 0.5f;
float avg = max(minValue + diff, min(maxValue - diff, (x + y) * 0.5f));
x = avg - diff;
y = avg + diff;

template <int C, int GaussianK, class GetFeature>
SceneBounds RealSalient<C, GaussianK, GetFeature>::postprocessInferBounds(const float percentile, const float maxDepth, const float margin, const float minSize, const float maxSize)
dim3 blocks = distribute(dim3(W, H, 1), squareBlockSize);
cudaMemsetAsync((void *)postProcess_temp, 0, sizeof(uint32_t) * (W + H + depthHistSize), mainStream);
postprocess_histograms<<<blocks, squareBlockSize, sizeof(uint32_t) * squareBlockSize.x * squareBlockSize.y * 2, mainStream>>>(W, H, depthHistSize, maxDepth, postProcess_temp, lhoodTex, aligned_depth);
cudaMemcpyAsync(postProcess_temp_cpu, postProcess_temp, sizeof(uint32_t) * (W + H + depthHistSize), cudaMemcpyDeviceToHost, mainStream);

int xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, zmin, zmax;
getArrayPercentile(W, postProcess_temp_cpu, percentile, xmin, xmax);
getArrayPercentile(H, postProcess_temp_cpu + W, percentile, ymin, ymax);
getArrayPercentile(depthHistSize, postProcess_temp_cpu + W + H, percentile, zmin, zmax);

const float dz = maxDepth / depthHistSize;
float dmin = dz * zmin;
float dmax = dz * zmax;
applyLimits(0.1f, maxDepth, margin, minSize, maxSize, dmin, dmax);
float davg = 0.5f * (dmin + dmax);

float a = downsampleRatio * xmin;
float b = downsampleRatio * xmax;
float r = colorFx / davg;
applyLimits(0, color_W, margin * r, minSize * r, maxSize * r, a, b);
xmin = (int)round(a);
xmax = (int)round(b);

a = downsampleRatio * ymin;
b = downsampleRatio * ymax;
r = colorFy / davg;
applyLimits(0, color_H, margin * r, minSize * r, maxSize * r, a, b);
ymin = (int)round(a);
ymax = (int)round(b);

return SceneBounds{
xmin /* int left in pixels */,
ymin /* int top in pixels */,
xmax /* int right in pixels */,
ymax /* int bottom in pixels */,
dmin /* float near distance meters */,
dmax /* float far distance meters */
} // namespace salient

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