All the configuratoin, binaries and dot files for a "clean" system
Start tmux either by runnin tmux. Use tmux attach to start tmux and attach to a already running session. Or use wdtmux which starts or attaches to a tmux session named by convention using current directory.
Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Ctrl+A, " | Split pane horizontally |
Ctrl+A, % | Split pane vertically |
Ctrl+A, r | Split pane horizontally small |
Ctrl+A, t | Split pane vertically small |
Ctrl+A, x | Close pane |
Ctrl+A, h | Select left pane |
Ctrl+A, j | Select pane below |
Ctrl+A, k | Select pane above |
Ctrl+A, l | Select right pane |
Ctrl+A, b | Toggle zoom on other pane |
Ctrl+A, c | Create new window (tab) |
Ctrl+A, [0-9] | Select window |
Ctrl+A, o | Toggle last window |
Ctrl+A, n | Select next window |
Ctrl+A, v | Enter select mode |
---> vim keys, navigation keys | To navigate |
---> v | Start text selection |
---> y | Yank the text to tmux buffer |
Ctrl+A, p | Past text from tmux buffer |
Ctrl+A, y | Copy text from tmux buffer to xclipboard |
Ctrl+A, z | Toggle zoom for active pane |
Ctrl+A, w | Choose between open windows |
Ctrl+A, s | Choose between running tmux sessions |
Ctrl+A, d | Detach from a running tmux session |
Commands | Description |
set synchronize-panes on/off | Write in all panes of a window at once |
Use oivim to start OpenIDE running vim in a terminal.
Keyboard shortcut | Description |
Navigation | |
h/j/k/l | Navigate left/down/up/right |
w | Navigate to begining of next word |
e | Navigate to end of next word |
b | Navigate to beginning of previous word |
ge | Navigate to end of previous word |
$ | Navigate to end of line |
Ctrl+k | Navigate to end of line and enter inster mode |
Ctrl+d | Navigate half a page down |
Ctrl+u | Navigate half a page up |
} | Navigate down to next empty line |
{ | Navigate up to next empty line |
_ | Navigate to first character in line |
g0 | Navigate to column 0 of line |
% | Navigate to matching (/[/{/.. |
[NUM]k | Move [NUM] lines up |
[NUM]j | Move [NUM] lines down |
[NUM]h | Move [NUM] columns left |
[NUM]l | Move [NUM] columns right |
gg | Move to top |
G | Move to bottom |
'' | Move to last cursor position |
Ctrl+o | Move backward in cursor history |
Ctrl+i | Move forward in cursor history |
Ctrl+k, Ctrl+b | Toggle NERDTree |
Ctrl+k, Ctrl+f | Open current file in NERDTree |
Ctrl+w, s | Split buffer horizontally |
Ctrl+w, v | Split buffer vertically |
Ctrl+w, h/j/k/l | Navigate between buffers in a window |
Ctrl+w, t | Open new tab |
Ctrl+w, T | Open current file in new tab |
Ctrl+w, c | Close buffer |
Ctrl+w, e | Close tab |
Ctrl+w, u | Next tab |
Ctrl+w, \ | Zoom in to current buffer |
Ctrl+w, = | Resize buffers in window |
Ctrl+w, [ARROW] | Resize buffer in direction |
Alt, [NUM] | Open tab [NUM] (may not work in terminal) |
yy[NUM] | Open tab [NUM] |
/ | Search |
[SPACE] | Search |
q[SPACE] | Clear search |
/[SPACE] | Clear search |
* | Search forward for word under cursor |
# | Search backward for word under cursor |
n | Move to next hit in search |
Shift+n | Move to previous hit in search |
Ctrl+q | Clear search |
zz | Resenter page to center of page |
Selection | |
yy | Yank current line |
yiw | Yank inner word |
diw | Delete inner word |
viw | Select inner word |
y[MOTION] | Yank using motion - yw (yank word) |
d[MOTION] | Delete using motion - dw (delete word) |
v[MOTION] | Select using motion - vw (select word) |
y[NUM][MOTION] | Yank motion repeat - y4w (yank 4 words) |
d[NUM][MOTION] | Delete motion repeat - d4w (delete 4 words) |
v[NUM][MOTION] | Select motion repeat - v4w (select 4 words) |
Ctrl+v | Start block select |
vap | Select between empty lines |
vaj | Select to last character in line |
vak | Select from first to last position in line |
val | Select from first to last character in line |
viw | Select inner word |
vi[CHAR] | Select inside (/)/[/]/{/}/... |
va[CHAR] | Select outside (/)/[/]/{/}/... |
When text is selected | |
y | Yank text |
c | Delete, yank and enter insert mode |
d | Delete selection and yank |
,d | Delete selection without yank |
o | Move to end of selected text |
O | Move to begining of selected text |
"+y | Yank to X-clipboard |
"+v | Paste from X-clipboard |
Ctrl+n | Multicursor selection |
Modification | |
dd | Delete line and yank line |
diw | Delete line and yank line |
d{ | Delete to previous backspace |
d | Delete to next backspace |
d$ | Delete to end of line and yank |
,dd | Delete line without yank |
,d$ | Delete to end of line without yank |
p | Past previously ynaked content |
u | Undo |
Ctrl+r | Redo |
r[CHAR] | Add replace current character with [CHAR] |
Ctrl+k | Add semicolon to end of line |
Ctrl+n | Multicursor selection using word under cursor |
Ctrl+f,[NUM] | Wrap in {} from line end, indent NUM lines down |
F10 | Toggle paste mode |
In insert mode | |
jj | Escape |
Multicursor | |
Ctrl+n | Multicursor selection using word under cursor |
Ctrl+n | If already in multicursor select next |
Ctrl+x | If already in multicursor skip current |
Ctrl+p | If already in multicursor jump one back |
OpenIDE | |
F5 | Trigger oi run in terminal view |
Alt+o / yyo | Complete snippet |
Ctrl+h | Run tamper at caret |
Alt+g / yyg | Run navigate at caret |
Alt+l / yyl | Run command at caret |
Alt+d / yyd | Go to definition |
Ctrl+Shift+y | Type search |
Ctrl+Shift+j | Focus ContinuousTests |
Alt+Shift+y | Go to type by extension |
Alt+r / yyr | Run evaluate at caret |
Alt+e / yye | Run evaluate file at caret |
Alt+n / yyn | New at caret |
Alt+f / yyf | Find interactive |
Alt+f, a / yyfa | Find all interactive |
Alt+f, w / yyfw | Find word at caret |
Alt+f, y / yyfy | Find yml interactive |
Alt+w, e | Evaluate and append selection in repl |
Alt+w, r | Run selection in repl |
Alt+w, q | Clear repl |
Other | |
Ctrl+s | Save |
Ctrl+Shift+s | Save all |
Ctrl+x, Ctrl+x | Exit vim |
q, [key] | Start recording for key [key] |
Stop recording | |
@[key] | Run recording stored in [key] |
[NUM]@[key] | Run recording stored in [key] NUM times |