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🤝 ACM CUI Steering Committee website

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ACM Conversational User Interfaces community website

The ACM CUI community website is built using Jekyll, on GitHub Pages. Avoid naming any directories after a year or subdirectories if the workshops directory.

Steering Commitee membership, nominations and elections

Information about officers and members of the Steering Committee is stored in _data/sc.yml in four lists, one for officers of the Steering Committee (officers), one for members of the Steering Committee (members), one for elections to the Steering Committee (elections), and one for nominations for elections to the Steering Committee (nominations). There is additionally one associative array, nominations_settings, which contains information used in the Call for Nominations.

Each item in the officers and members lists consists of an associative array with the following structure:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
name Yes string Name of the Officer/Member Minha Lee
photo Yes string Filename of a square profile photo the Officer/Member, stored in assets/img/sc/ minha-lee.png
url No string URL/personal website for the Officer/Member
roles No list List of associate arrays, for each role the Officer/Member holds on the committee. Each item consists of two keys: role (string) and term (string) - role: Co-Chair
term: 2024–2027

Each item in the elections list consists of an associative array with the following structure:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
title Yes string Name of the office CoChair
term Yes string Years the elected individual will serve 2023–2026
nominations Yes assoc. array A list of all those nominated, where each list item is an associative array.

Each item consists of two keys: name (name) and biography (bio).
name: Minha Lee
bio: Minha Lee is...

Each item in the nominations list consists of an associative array with the following structure:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
title Yes string Name of the office Co-Chair
term Yes string Years the elected individual will serve 2023–2026
overview Yes string An explanation of what the role entails The Co-Chair....
responsibilities Yes list A list of responsibilities, where each item is an associative array with the required keys title (string) and tasks (list of strings) - title: Governance
- Do x, y and z

The nominations_settings associative array consists of the following data:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
link Yes string Link to the nomination form CoChair
deadline Yes string Deadline for nominations in the format YYYY-MM-DD 2023-05-27
contact Yes assoc. array Who individuals should contact, should they have any questions.

This consists of two required keys: the name of the individual to contact (name, string) and their email address (email, string)
name: Benjamin Cowan
email: benjamin.cowan@...


The file _data/const.yml contains information relating to the Constitution of the Steering Committee, and has the following data:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
file Yes string Path to the PDF of the constitution /assets/pdf/cui-conference-constitution.pdf
date Yes string Date the constitution was last updated and approved 2024-04-19

Conference data

Data from annual conferences is stored in a number of different files and locations.

Conferences list

Primary conference data (that is, conference names, dates, URLs, sponsors, and awards) is stored in _data/conf.yml file. Data is stored as a series of associative arrays, one for each year of the conference. Each associative array should be given the key of the full conference year (e.g., 2025). Each associative array consists of a series of items, each of which are described below.

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
name Yes string Name of the conference ACM CUI 2025
type Yes string Type of conference (e.g., ACM incoop or SIGCHI specialised) a SIGCHI specialised conference
covid19virtual No boolean Was the conference virtual due to COVID-19? false if not included. true
location Yes string Location of the conference Waterloo, ON, Canada
dates Yes assoc. array Must contain two items: start and end, both of which are dates formatted as YYYY-MM-DD start: 2025-07-08
end: 2025-07-10
general_chairs No list List of assoc. arrays of general chairs, with two items: their name (string) and their website (string) - name: Martin Porcheron
website: https://...
logo Yes string Filename for a square image stored in assets/img/conference/ cui2025.png
urls No assoc. array Names and URLs for different conference pages. Expected keys: website, proceedings, and programme website:
name: Website
sponsors No list Names and URLs for conference sponsors name: SIGCHI
awards No assoc. array Three data for Honourable Mentions (hon_mentions), Best Papers (best_paper), and Outstanding Service awards (outstanding_service) given at a conference, and a fourth (track links) for linking awards to the tracks that were eligble for them.

best_papers and hon_mentions items have the following keys: title (string), authors (string, for authors list with Oxford comma), and dl (string, for ACM Digital Library link) corresponding to recipients.

outstanding_service has the following keys: recipient (string), role (string), and explanation (string), corresponding to recipients.

track_links is an assoc. array where the key is an award (hon_mentions or best_papers) and the value is a list of keys from _data/stats.yml tracks assoc. array.
- title: Progressivity for Voice...
authors: Joel E Fischer, ...
- title: Crowdsourcing a self-evolving...
authors: Patrik Jonell, ...
- recipient: Justin Edwards
role: Hybrid Chair
explanation: The CUI 2023 General...
listdetails No assoc. array Information used in the conference list page. Supported keys: preamble (adds text prior to the 'About' summary for a conference') preamble: >
Where it all began!

Note that the conferences webpage shows information about a conference once there are statistics, awards, or general chairs associated with a conference.

Conference statistics

The file _data/stats.yml contains programme and registration statistics for each conference year. There are four associative arrays in this file.

The years list is the years for which should be included in conference statistics. This can be used to avoid including empty data for a conference before any statistics have been compiled, but after tracks have been entered.

The registrations_footnotes list is a series of explanations for registration numbers. Each footnote may be reused for more than one conference. Conferences can attach a footnote using the footnote_id key.

The registrations associative array has the following structure:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
total Yes string Total number of registrations including free registrations such as invited speakers, student volunteers, and organisers etc. 67
virtual Yes string Number of registrations for remote/virtual attendance 0
footnote_id No int Index of a footnote (from registrations_footnotes list). Starting index is 1 (i.e., first footnote is index 1). 1

The tracks associative array contains items where the key is a track identifer and the value has the following structure:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
title Yes string Name of the track Doctoral Consortium
lang Yes assoc. array How to describe submissions/acceptances (in a sentence); two keys/values (both string): singular and plural singular: Doctoral Consortium participant
plural: Doctoral Consortium participants
data No assoc. array Submissions and acceptances for a track for a given year 2019:
submissions: 28
acceptances: 9

Conference Expressions of Interest

The announcement of an Expression of Interest to host a future conference is configured in _data/conf_host.yml, with the following data:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
show Yes bool Show the EOI section on the conference page true
preamble Yes string Information shown at top of the EOI For its fifth iteration,
postamble Yes string Information shown at bottom of the EOI Expressions of Interest will...
conference Yes string Name of the conference ACM CUI 2023
form Yes string URL of the EOI form


File file _data/ws.yml contains information about satellite workshops affiliated with the ACM CUI community. The newest conference should be at the top of the list. The file contains a list of associative arrays with the key-value pairs:

Key Required? Type Explanation Example
title Yes string Title of the workshop (do not include CUI@...) Collaborating through Conversational User Interfaces
location Yes string City and country of there workshop Virtual Event or Portland, OR, USA
date Must include date or dates string Date of the workshop 2020-10-17
dates Must include date or dates assoc. array Dates of the workshop as an associative array with two keys for the starting date (start, string) and ending date (end, string) start: 2020-10-17
end: 2020-10-18
conference Yes string Conference the workshop will be co-located at CSCW 2020
url No string URL of the workshop website