- Austin, TX
- https://www.investarters.com
fair-market-rent-calculator Public
A Fair Market Rent Calculator that uses Multi Variate Linear Regression to predict rent values based on number of bedrooms, number of bathrooms and square footage.
date-idea-skill Public
An Alexa skill to give you endless date ideas
MIT License UpdatedJan 12, 2020 -
time-to-six-pack Public
A Rust CLI that gives your estimate time to a six pack from your current weight, body fat
Rust UpdatedAug 19, 2019 -
nodejs-dialogflow Public
Forked from googleapis/nodejs-dialogflowNode.js client for Dialogflow: Design and integrate a conversational user interface into your applications and devices.
JavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedSep 25, 2018 -
youtube-api-example Public
An Example of Getting Videos from a channel
MIT License UpdatedSep 22, 2018 -
claudia-bot-builder Public
Forked from claudiajs/claudia-bot-builderCreate chat bots for Facebook Messenger, Slack, Amazon Alexa, Skype, Telegram, Viber, Line, GroupMe, Kik and Twilio and deploy to AWS Lambda in minutes
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 28, 2018 -
example-projects Public
Forked from claudiajs/example-projectsSimple example projects that show how to use ClaudiaJs
JavaScript UpdatedAug 14, 2018 -
async-await-example Public
An example converting promise to async await
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedMay 23, 2018 -
skill-sample-nodejs-howto Public
Forked from alexa-samples/skill-sample-nodejs-howtoJavaScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 8, 2018 -
alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejs Public
Forked from alexa/alexa-skills-kit-sdk-for-nodejsThe Alexa Skills Kit SDK for Node.js helps you get a skill up and running quickly, letting you focus on skill logic instead of boilerplate code.
TypeScript Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 1, 2018 -
drink-selector-skil Public
An Amazon Alexa skill to get a drink for people
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 24, 2018 -
minority-mindset-skill Public
An Amazon Alexa Skill for Minoirty Mindset's YouTube Channel
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 23, 2018 -
practical-psychology-skill Public
An Amazon Alexa Skill for Practical Psychology's YouTube Channel
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedFeb 20, 2018 -
based-zeus-skill Public
An Amazon Alexa Skill for Based Zeus's YouTube Channel
JavaScript UpdatedFeb 18, 2018 -
affirmations-skill Public
A Amazon Alexa Skill that will play affirmations I give it
alexa-skill-boilerplate Public
An easy to use Amazon Alexa Skill Boilerplate for fast skill creation
action-skill-middle-layer Public
A Script that converts Amazon Intents into API.AI Intents
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 13, 2017 -
hacker-news-action Public
A Google Home Action that will give you the newest hacker news article titles from Y Combinator
bar-game-21 Public
A web app that will give you conversation starters to meet people at social events
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJun 27, 2017 -
hacker-news-skill Public
An Amazon Alexa Skill that will give you the newest hacker news article titles from YCombinator
pair-programming-pg Public
Pair Programming Environment Setup for Policy Genius Interview
HTML UpdatedJun 20, 2017 -
table-example Public
An example of building an HTML Table with data from an API