Forked from jiaxiaogang/HELIX_THEORYtheory of helix—— “熵减机理论(可用来构建信息熵减机、及自然演化熵减机系统等)”
Objective-C GNU General Public License v3.0 UpdatedJun 1, 2021 -
LegalPLMs Public
Forked from thunlp/LegalPLMsSource code and checkpoints for legal pre-trained language models.
Python UpdatedMay 9, 2021 -
LADAN Public
Forked from prometheusXN/LADANThe source code of article "Distinguish Confusing Law Articles for Legal Judgment Prediction", ACL 2020
Python UpdatedJan 5, 2021 -
SupContrast Public
Forked from HobbitLong/SupContrastPyTorch implementation of "Supervised Contrastive Learning" (and SimCLR incidentally)
Python BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" License UpdatedNov 10, 2020 -
Long-Tailed-Recognition.pytorch Public
Forked from KaihuaTang/Long-Tailed-Recognition.pytorch[NeurIPS 2020] This project provides a strong single-stage baseline for Long-Tailed Classification, Detection, and Instance Segmentation (LVIS). It is also a PyTorch implementation of the NeurIPS 2…
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedOct 19, 2020 -
ADL2020-HW1-Summarization Public
Forked from shiannn/ADL2020-HW1-SummarizationPython UpdatedSep 27, 2020 -
eat_pytorch_in_20_days Public
Forked from lyhue1991/eat_pytorch_in_20_daysPytorch🍊🍉 is delicious, just eat it! 😋😋
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 17, 2020 -
eat_tensorflow2_in_30_days Public
Forked from lyhue1991/eat_tensorflow2_in_30_daysTensorflow2.0 🍎🍊 is delicious, just eat it! 😋😋
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedAug 14, 2020 -
Supervised-Contrastive-Learning-in-TensorFlow-2 Public
Forked from sayakpaul/Supervised-Contrastive-Learning-in-TensorFlow-2Implements the ideas presented in https://arxiv.org/pdf/2004.11362v1.pdf by Khosla et al.
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedJun 21, 2020 -
hedwig Public
Forked from castorini/hedwigPyTorch deep learning models for document classification
Python Apache License 2.0 UpdatedMay 30, 2020 -
fucking-algorithm Public
Forked from labuladong/fucking-algorithm手把手撕LeetCode题目,扒各种算法套路的裤子。English version supported! Crack LeetCode, not only how, but also why.
UpdatedMay 5, 2020 -
Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch Public
Forked from 649453932/Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch中文文本分类,TextCNN,TextRNN,FastText,TextRCNN,BiLSTM_Attention,DPCNN,Transformer,基于pytorch,开箱即用。
Python MIT License UpdatedApr 19, 2020 -
handson-ml2 Public
Forked from ageron/handson-ml2A series of Jupyter notebooks that walk you through the fundamentals of Machine Learning and Deep Learning in Python using Scikit-Learn, Keras and TensorFlow 2.
Jupyter Notebook Apache License 2.0 UpdatedApr 6, 2020 -
deep-learning-with-python-notebooks Public
Forked from fchollet/deep-learning-with-python-notebooksJupyter notebooks for the code samples of the book "Deep Learning with Python"
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedApr 4, 2020 -
Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book Public
Forked from dragen1860/Deep-Learning-with-TensorFlow-book深度学习入门开源书,基于TensorFlow 2.0案例实战。Open source Deep Learning book, based on TensorFlow 2.0 framework.
Python UpdatedMar 7, 2020 -
tensorflow2_tutorials_chinese Public
Forked from czy36mengfei/tensorflow2_tutorials_chinesetensorflow2中文教程,持续更新(当前版本:tensorflow2.0),tag: tensorflow 2.0 tutorials
Jupyter Notebook UpdatedFeb 7, 2020 -
DBTNet Public
Forked from researchmm/DBTNetCode for our NeurIPS'19 paper "Learning Deep Bilinear Transformation for Fine-grained Image Representation"
Python UpdatedJan 20, 2020 -
deeplearning-models Public
Forked from rasbt/deeplearning-modelsA collection of various deep learning architectures, models, and tips
Jupyter Notebook MIT License UpdatedJan 2, 2020 -
DBT_Net Public
Forked from wuwusky/DBT_NetPytorch version of model in NeurIPS'19 paper "Learning Deep Bilinear Transformation for Fine-grained Image Representation"
Python UpdatedDec 29, 2019 -
Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch Public
Forked from 649453932/Bert-Chinese-Text-Classification-Pytorch使用Bert,ERNIE,进行中文文本分类
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 26, 2019 -
Multi-Label-Text-Classification-for-Chinese Public template
Forked from hscspring/Multi-Label-Text-Classification-for-Chinesepytorch implementation of multi-label text classification, includes kinds of models and pretrained. Especially for Chinese preprocessing.
Python MIT License UpdatedDec 1, 2019 -
Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-Tutorials Public
Forked from dragen1860/Deep-Learning-with-PyTorch-Tutorials深度学习与PyTorch入门实战视频教程 配套源代码和PPT
Python UpdatedNov 17, 2019 -
Capsule Public
Forked from bojone/CapsuleA Capsule Implement with Pure Keras
Python UpdatedOct 23, 2019 -
dgcnn_for_reading_comprehension Public
Forked from bojone/dgcnn_for_reading_comprehensionkeras implement of dgcnn for reading comprehension
Python UpdatedOct 14, 2019