Gantry is a pipeline management tool using containers for all relevant steps.
It supports a basic docker-compose
subset allowing docker-compose
deployments with wharfer. If wharfer
is not installed docker
will be used directly.
Services define docker containers which provide a continued service to other
tasks in and outside of the pipeline. They directly resemble the service
concept from docker-compose
and once started run concurrently to the rest of
the pipeline including anything depending on the service.
Steps on the other hand run to completion and only then are their dependents executed. Note however, that independent steps are executed concurrently with each other. Steps are often used for tasks that produce a result that is needed by their dependents such as a download, creation of a database index or training of a machine learning model.
The End-to-End tests of QLever example demonstrates the usage and interaction of both container types.
Binary releases are provided as github releases.
cd /tmp
rm gantry_$(uname -m).tar.bz2
wget$(uname -m).tar.bz2
tar -xavf gantry_$(uname -m).tar.bz2
sudo mv gantry_$(uname -m)/gantry /usr/local/bin/gantry
gantry --version
Gantry is available in the AUR as gantry and gantry-git
To install gantry into the users ~/go/bin
path it is enough to just run
go install -ldflags="-X$(git describe --always --long --dirty)" ./...
To install gantry globally copy it from ~/go/bin
path or use
go build -ldflags="-X$(git describe --always --long --dirty)" cmd/gantry/gantry.go
sudo mv gantry /usr/local/bin/
gantry --version
Gantry is go getable through
go get
This will result in a binary without a set version.
To build a release version first make sure everything works. This includes checking the codestyle
gofmt -d .
and running the tests
go test ./...
The complete test coverage can be viewed with
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out ./... && go tool cover -html=coverage.out
When all is correct edit the Download a prebuild release section of this Readme so the download link points to the future version. Only after committing this final change tag the release
git tag -a vX.Y.Z -m <message>
Then build with -ldflags
such that the version is added to the binary
go build -ldflags="-X$(git describe --always --long --dirty)" cmd/gantry/gantry.go
Finally use the GitHub Releases mechanism to release a new version.