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jQuery SyoTimer Plugin

jQuery plugin of countdown on html-page


jQuery SyoTimer Plugin has been tested with jQuery 1.7+ on all major browsers:

  • Firefox 2+ (Win, Mac, Linux);
  • IE8+ (Win);
  • Chrome 6+ (Win, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone);
  • Safari 3.2+ (Win, Mac, iPhone);
  • Opera 8+ (Win, Mac, Linux, Android, iPhone).


  • Callback after the end of the countdown timer with the possibility of changing the structure of the timer
  • Periodic counting with the specified period
  • The effect of fading in the countdown
  • The correct declension of nouns next to numeral numerals
  • Custom formatting and styling timer


Include the js-files which you can find in the build folder and call the method syotimer:

<div class="your_selector_to_countdown"></div>

<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="jquery.syotimer.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
    $(document).ready(function() {

HTML Structure of SyoTimer

<div class="timer">
    <div class="timer-head-block"></div>
    <div class="timer-body-block">
        <div class="table-cell day">
            <div class="tab-val">1</div>
            <div class="tab-unit">day</div>
        <div class="table-cell hour">
            <div class="tab-val">1</div>
            <div class="tab-unit">hour</div>
        <div class="table-cell minute">
            <div class="tab-val">1</div>
            <div class="tab-unit">minute</div>
        <div class="table-cell second">
            <div class="tab-val">1</div>
            <div class="tab-unit">second</div>
    <div class="timer-foot-block"></div>


Option Description Type of Value Default Value Available Values
year year of date, which should count down timer integer 2014 >1979
month month of date, which should count down timer integer 7 1-12
day day of date, which should count down timer integer 31 1-31
hour hour of date, which should count down timer integer 0 0-23
minute minute of date, which should count down timer integer 0 0-59
second second of date, which should count down timer integer 0 0-59
timeZone setting the time zone of deadline. If local then the time zone is ignored and the deadline is determined by local time of the user. Otherwise, specifies the offset from the UTC float/string 'local' 'local', >-12 && <12
ignoreTransferTime If true then transfer to summer/winter time will not be considered. For details, see "About summer/winter time" boolean false
dayVisible true - show the number of days. false - the number of days is not shown in the timer and the number of hours may exceed 23 boolean true
doubleNumbers true - show hours, minutes and seconds with leading zeros (2 hours 5 minutes 4 seconds = 02:05:04) boolean true
dubleNumbers (deprecated) true - show hours, minutes and seconds with leading zeros (2 hours 5 minutes 4 seconds = 02:05:04) boolean true
effectType The effect of changing the value of seconds string 'none' 'none', 'opacity'
lang localization signatures timer (days, hours, minutes, seconds) string 'eng' 'eng', 'rus'
periodic true - the timer is periodic. If the date until which counts the timer is reached, the next value date which will count down the timer is incremented by the value periodInterval boolean false
periodInterval the period of the timer in periodUnit (if periodic is set to true) integer 7 >0
periodUnit the unit of measurement period timer string 'd' 'd', 'h', 'm', 's'


The use of the methods has the following syntax:

$('.your_selector_to_countdown').syotimer(nameOfMethod, param1, param2, ... , paramN);


setOption - assigns a value to the option


  1. Name of option

  2. Value

Code examples:

$('.your_selector_to_countdown').syotimer('setOption', 'effectType', 'opacity');

About summer/winter time

In some countries, there are the division between summer and winter time. This artifact may affect the correct operation of the countdown when the difference between the current time and the deadline is very large.

For example, used a timer with a period of one day, for which the deadline set on the winter time. Then for users from New York in the summer this timer will produce an error for 1 hour.

To exclude these cases set ignoreTransferTime to false.


Examples of usage jQuery SyoTimer Plugin

Version History

  • 1.1.0 2016-07-30
    • added time zone support
    • added support of the time transfer on summer/winter time
    • added methods support
    • added method of set value to option
    • added minified version of plugin
  • 1.0.1 2015-02-24
    • added option for change effect of counting
    • added documentation
    • added examples
  • 1.0.0 2014-12-10
    • first use timer on real web-site


jQuery plugin of countdown on html-page






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