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Fields of Gold

A Django library providing useful DB model fields.

Installation & setup

  1. pip install fields-of-gold
  2. Add "fields_of_gold" to your INSTALLED_APPS.
  3. Use the fields in your models.



A JSONField which can have an enforced schema using Pydantic models. The underlying storage uses the JSONField, but you can interact with the data via the declared Pydantic type.

Because the underlying storage is using JSON, you can swap out existing JSONFields for TypedJSONField without having to perform any manipulation to the stored data, so long as the existing data conforms to your Pydantic schema.

Example usage:

from django.db import models
from fields_of_gold import TypedJSONField
from pydantic import BaseModel

class MyType(BaseModel):
    my_int: int
    my_str: str

class MyModel(models.Model):
    typed_field = TypedJSONField(type=MyType)


instance = MyModel(typed_field=MyType(my_int=1, my_str=2))

Handling existing data

If you've already got data in your database which doesn't conform to the Pydantic model schema that you've defined then when you fetch a Django model instance from the database the field value will simply be set to the raw underlying JSON value rather than the Pydantic model instance. This allows you to still fetch the objects from your DB, and to fix the data. Here an example using the MyType and MyModel from above:

obj = MyModel.objects.get()
if not isinstnce(obj.typed_field, MyType):
    # Invalid data, need to fix it:
    if isinstance(obj.typed_field, dict):
        if "my_int" not in obj.typed_field:
            obj.typed_field["my_int"] = 0
        if "my_str" not in obj.typed_field:
            obj.typed_field["my_str"] = ""
        # Note that leaving the data as a dict is fine, so long as it matches the schema of MyType
    elif isinstance(obj.typed_field, list):
        # Totally the wrong type of data
        obj.typed_field = MyType()

You might want to handle existing invalid data in your model's __init__ method.


A modified OneToOneField which is unique but nullable.

In Django, using ForeignKey(unique=True, null=True) will raise a warning recommending that you should use OneToOneField instead. But using OneToOneField(null=True) won't respect the null-able-ness, so trying to access obj.my_one_to_one_field will raise DoesNotExist, and the same with the reverse lookup.

This field solves that problem by allowing the field to be nullable while still enforcing its uniqueness and not giving you unnecessary warnings.


A Django library providing useful DB model fields.







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