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Tags: adambennett/StS-DuelistMod



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Merge pull request #57 from adambennett/dev



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card tier score label URL fix


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Fix merge mistake


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Bug Fixes
- Custom selection screens that used to crash the game should be a lot more stable now (i.e. SpireTome, Card Pool Relics)
- Fixed Ice Hand not applying Frozen until the turn after it was supposed to
- Fixed a small typo on Yami Form choice cards (Toon_pool -> Toon)

- Add a toggle for hiding Tier Scores on reward screens
- Megatype cards will no longer appear in boosters they don't belong in
    - For example, Dinosaur packs will not contain any Megatype monsters anymore
    - This should make booster appearances a lot more fun and balanced, especially for the Standard Deck


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v3.481.18 (#31)

Bug Fixes
- Fixed a major issue with certain relics/cards/powers disabling Duelist cards from being playable
- This fix should include improvements to the message that yugi will display when a card is unusable due to a DuelistMod trigger
- Fixed an issue with the way the Obliterate power worked
- Nimble Angler: fixed card not summoning
- Tribute to the Doomed: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Cloning: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Dark Paladin: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Fairy Box: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Phoenix Feather: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Predapruning: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Wiretap: fixed card crashing when magic number is reduced below 1
- Reinforce Truth: fixed power crashing the game
- Spirit Force: fixed power crashing the game
- Weapon Change: fixed power crashing the game
- Bombchain: prevent occasional game crash
- Spellheart (relic): prevented Soulbound cards from being removed
- Improvements to some Exodia deck issues surrounding other sources of card removal & adding
- MegaConfusion checks cards to ensure they have summons/tributes to modify before updating any of those values, preventing odd behavior
- Duelist Power (relic): now properly grants Vigor every other turn
- Power Kaishin: now actually uses magic number to apply Magicka
- Mayakashi Metronome: now will actually resummon cards
- Parasite Paracide: now tributes properly
- Call of Mummy: now will work correctly when played while using the Metronome Deck

Balance Updates
- Removed Fairy Bottle (potion)
- Light orb: completely changed the passive mechanic from increasing buff stacks -> random chance at increased max HP
- Witch of Black Rose: increased cost from 1 -> 2, upgrade now increases summons instead of base cost
- Armed Dragon Lv. 5: added upgrade to damage
- Egg Token (relic): reduced Monster Egg copies added to your deck from 3 -> 2
- MegaConfusion no longer will modify tributes on cards while playing below Challenge level 2
- Simplified the odds calculations for Raigeki and Crystal Raigeki stun effects, which should make them easier to modify using Solder effects
- Electricity now greatly improves the odds of Raigeki triggering the stun effect
- Lost World: now increases damage by 15%(25%) instead of 10%(10%)
- Jurassic Impact: slightly modified the percentages on the upgraded version
- Frostosaurus: reduced base cost from 2 -> 1, upgrade now switches to X+1 effect instead of lowering base cost
- Iris Earth Mother: reduced channeled orbs from 2 -> 1, upgrade no longer increases orbs channeled
- Magician's Rod: upgrade no longer deceases base cost, now improves magic number 2 instead of 1
- Sabersaurus: reduced base summons from 3 -> 1, upgrade no longer increaes damage or summons, upgrade now reduces base cost by 1
- Blizzard Warrior: increased damage from 8 -> 10
- Dark Horizon: increased tributes from 1 -> 2
- Dark Paladin: decreased damage from 24 -> 18, upgrade switched from reduced tributes to increased damage
- Doom Shaman: block from 11 -> 10, orbs channeled from 3 -> 2, orb strength from 6 -> 5, tributes from 3 -> 4, upgrade switched from block +5 -> orbs channeled +1
- Icy Crevasse: focus from 3 -> 2, max summon reduce from 3 -> 2, frost channeled from 2 -> 1
- Power Kaishin: magicka gain from 2 -> 4, upgrade increases magic number further by 1
- White Magical Hat: magicka gain from 3 -> 4, upgrade increases magic number futher by 1
- Several Mayakashi cards have lost their Exempt status to make the Mayakashi Metronome work correctly

- Added a new config menu option to disable tier score buttons from opening the website when clicked
- Actions taked via the Haunted debuff are now logged into the dev console so you can view a history of the last few actions by pressing ~
- Nameless (relic): Added actual gameplay description to the nameless tomb relic

- Updated and improved cart art and googly eyes for the following cards: Fossil Dragon, Fossil Knight, Fossil Skullbuggy, Fossil Skull Convoy, Fossil Skull King, Fossil Skull Knight
- Added relic art for the following relics: Point Pass, HP Box, Metronometry, Wirebundle
- Added power art for the following powers: Anti-Fusion Device, Bacon Saver, Berserk Scales, Berserking, Book of Moon, Book of Taiyou, Damp debuff, Dragon Mastery, Dragon Mirror, Ice Hand, Mako's Blessing, Silver Wing, Vampire Kingdom, White Horn Dragon 
- Updated power art for the following powers: Reinforce Truth, Sphere Kuriboh, Swords of Burning Light, Swords of Concealing Light, Swords of Revealing Light
- Updated endgame Duelist tower image

- Fixed a backend bug that was preventing tier scores from updating since 06/2021
- Tier scores have been updated again as of 2/21/22 and will continue to be monitored for daily updates


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v3.481.17 (#27)

* Fixed Tier Score labels not appearing correctly on monitors that are not 1920x1080
* Fixed card reward sizes not resetting properly after a run (Busted Crown and other similar effects were persisting through a run ending)
* Fixed a game breaking bug that could occur on the first time starting the mod in some cases
* Monokeros: was requiring tributes to play when it shouldn't
* Added a link to both the metrics site and the latest change notes to the in-game mod description, which also shows up in the launcher
* Removed razintent.jar from project dependencies. Only effects programmers.
* Added new art for a handful of relics
* Added new art for a handful of cards


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v3.481.16 (#24)

* Add tier score labels to card reward screens
* Some balancing changes to Dragon pool (based on new scores)
* Bug fix for various resummoning selection screens to prevent softlocks


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Fix Toon Kingdom, metrics issues, add 3 debuffs, orb card changed to …

…class (#23)


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Minor fixes to v3.481.13 (#22)


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v3.481.11 release (#19)

- Added 1 new Event: Visit From Anubis

- Googly Eyes updated for ALL cards

- Shadow Orbs: Added new custom on-channel SFX

- Reduced the severity of several challenge level modifiers, namely the enemy debuff modifiers are way tuned down

- Megafleet Dragon: now costs 2 instead of 3

- Rainbow Kuriboh: can no longer roll Megatyped as a random type

- Made a key change to the way your starting deck is loaded after saving/quitting, hopefully addressing most of the weird deck-changing bugs that occur occassionally. This change also seems to have fixed issues regarding the puzzle summoning the correct tokens in various Challenge Lvl. 1 situations.

- Challenge Level 8: Fixed non-boss chests removing your potion SLOTS instead of your potions. Whoops!

- Cybernetic Fusion now properly only Resummons 1 card maximum, even with Electricity

- Hinotama: no longer crashses the game if Bad Things happen and the random amount of hits ends up being something like "(6-2 times)"

- Reduced verbosity of Megatyped keyword tooltip text

- Reduced the volume of several of the louder orbs