Note: Link Based Verification is now Deprecated and only passcode now should be used.
email-verification is a service to support a verification flow that starts by creating a verification for an email address and sending out an email with verification link or a passcode.
Users can verify the email address by clicking on the link in the email, or typing in the passcode they received.
Endpoints are provided to trigger a verification email, verify email by clicking the link or entering passcode, and retrieve a verification status for a given email address.
needs to be running for it:test
sbt test it:test
Path | Supported Methods | Description |
/verification-requests | POST | Create a new verification request |
/verified-email-check | POST | Check if email address is verified |
/request-passcode | POST | *1 Generates a passcode and sends an email with the passcode to the specified email address |
/verify-passcode | POST | *2 Verifies a passcode matches that stored against the email address |
/verify-email | POST | Initiates the email-verification journey and returns frontend start URL |
/verification-status/:credId | GET | Retrieves all the locked or verified emails against a cred ID |
*represents sequence
Path | Supported Methods | Description |
/test-only/passcodes | GET | Uses the session Id to return the email address(es) and passcode(s) associated with that 4hr session. Both the old link based POST /verify-email and newer POST /verify-email endpoints are supported, and the output will be additive for that session, so either POST endpoint will be operative with this test only endpoint |
Example Response
"passcodes": [
"email": "[email protected]",
"passcode": "8bd63d50-8efd-4c12-82f3-ab6f6288bd02"
"email": "[email protected]",
"passcode": "e01c9c9f-5d8d-438d-9a4a-8b56ece8fa1b"
Status | Description |
200 | Retrieved one or more records |
Status | Description |
404 | No passcode found for sessionId |
401 | No session id provided |
Initiates the email-verification journey. Sends passcode to email address if provided, then returns url to start frontend journey. If an email address is not provided then the user will be required to provide one on the frontend. The journeyId is returned to the calling service in the redirectUri. The calling service simply performs a redirect and does not need to extract any of the supplied redirectUri parameters, as the outcome callback GET endpoint uses a credId, not journeyId.
Example Request
"deskproServiceName":"plastic-packaging-tax", // Optional, if absent then 'origin' will be used
"pageTitle": "Plastic Packaging Tax", // Optional; will be displayed in the GOV.UK heading of the page
"backUrl": "/back", // Optional; if provided, all pages will contain a "back" link to this URL
"email": {
"address":"[email protected]",
"enterUrl":"/start" // user may get sent here if they cannot verify the provided email, e.g. they misspelled it
}, // Optional, if absent then SI UI will prompt the User for the email address
"lang":"en" // optional; en or cy; defaults to "en"
Example Response
"redirectUri" : "/email-verification/journey/98fe3788-2d39-409c-b400-8f86ed1634ea?continueUrl=/plastic-packaging-tax/start&origin=ppt&service=plastic-packaging-tax"
Status | Description |
201 | Journey successfully created |
Status | Description |
400 | Invalid request |
401 | Locked out or journey doesnt match session |
500 | Unexpected error |
502 | Email failed to send |
Retrieves all the locked or verified emails against a cred ID. Only completed journeys will have a result, that can be one of the following states:
verified=true, locked=false
verified=false, locked=true
If locked=true
, it is the responsibility of the calling service to handle a "locked" journey situation.
Example Request
GET /email-verification/verification-status/0000000026936462
Example Response
"emailAddress":"[email protected]",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
Status | Description |
200 | Retrieved one or more records |
Status | Description |
400 | Invalid request |
404 | No records found |
500 | Unexpected error |
Create a new verification request
Request body
"email": "[email protected]",
"templateId": "anExistingTemplateInEmailServiceId",
"templateParameters": {
"name": "Gary Doe"
"linkExpiryDuration" : "P1D",
"continueUrl" : "http://some-continue.url"
The template identified by templateId
must contain a parameter named verificationLink
. One example is verifyEmailAddress
is the validity in ISO8601 format.
FYI, if you need to use/add a template, please speak to digital-contact team to get the templateId.
Please make sure that you validate your email address before making this request.
Status | Description |
201 | Verification created successfully |
Status | Description | Code | Note |
400 | Invalid request | VALIDATION_ERROR | |
409 | Email has already been verified | EMAIL_VERIFIED_ALREADY | |
400 | Bad request to email, like template not found | BAD_EMAIL_REQUEST | This can also happen if the email address is notvalid, this can include leading and/or trailing spaces. |
500 | Unexpected error | UNEXPECTED_ERROR | |
502 | Upstream service error | UPSTREAM_ERROR |
Note: Deprecated for Security Reasons
Check if email address is verified or not, if verified return 200 with the email.
Request body
"email": "[email protected]"
Status | Description |
200 | Email is verified |
Status | Description | Code |
404 | Email not found / not verified | EMAIL_NOT_FOUND_OR_NOT_VERIFIED |
500 | Unexpected error | UNEXPECTED_ERROR |
502 | Upstream service error | UPSTREAM_ERROR |
Response body
"email": "[email protected]"
Retrieves the generated passcode for a given session ID provided in the headers
Example Request
GET /test-only/passcodes
X-Session-ID: SomeSessionId
Status | Description |
200 | Found passcode against session ID |
Status | Description | Code |
404 | Passcode not found for given session ID | PASSCODE_NOT_FOUND_OR_EXPIRED |
400 | Session ID not provided in headers | BAD_PASSCODE_REQUEST |
Response body
"passcodes": [
"email": "[email protected]",
"passcode": "ATERRT"
Generates a passcode and sends an email with the passcode to the specified email address.
The serviceName
field is inserted at the end of the email in the following sentence:
From the [serviceName] service
. The lang
field must be either "en" or "cy", as English and Welsh are the only supported
Request body
"email": "[email protected]",
"serviceName": "some service name",
"lang": "en"
Status | Description |
201 | Passcode is created and email is sent |
Status | Description | Code |
409 | Email already verified | EMAIL_VERIFIED_ALREADY |
400 | Upstream bad request sending email | BAD_EMAIL_REQUEST |
401 | SessionID not provided | NO_SESSION_ID |
403 | Max emails per session exceeded | MAX_EMAILS_EXCEEDED |
502 | Upstream error | UPSTREAM_ERROR |
Verifies a passcode matches that stored against the email address and session id (that was sent to the email address)
Request body
"passcode": "GHJKYF",
"email": "[email protected]"
Status | Description |
201 | Email is successfully verified |
204 | Email is already verified |
Status | Code | Description |
401 | NO_SESSION_ID | SessionID not provided |
403 | MAX_PASSCODE_ATTEMPTS_EXCEEDED | Max attempts per session exceeded |
404 | PASSCODE_NOT_FOUND | Passcode not found (or expired) |
404 | PASSCODE_MISMATCH | Incorrect passcode |
Error responses are mapped to the following json structure returned as the response body with the appropriate http error status code. E.g.:
"message":"Passcode not found"
or with details (optional):
"message":"Payload validation failed",
"": "error.path.missing"
Payload validation errors are returning with 400 http status
"message":"Payload validation failed",
"": "error.path.missing"
Not found errors are returning with 404 http status and a response body:
"message":"URI not found",
"details": {
Unexpected errors are returning with 500 http status and a response body:
"message":"An unexpected error occured"
upstream errors are returning with 502 http status and a response body:
"message":"POST of 'http://localhost:11111/send-templated-email' returned 500. Response body: 'some-5xx-message'"
This code is open source software licensed under the Apache 2.0 License