#Penner Easing Animation SASS/Compass Extension.
###Penner-style easing using CSS3 Animation Keyframes
This extension also requires Eric Meyer's Compass Animation Extension
###Nine mixins to generate cool easing effects using CSS animations:
- @mixin ease-in-back-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-out-back-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-in-out-back-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-in-bounce-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-out-bounce-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-in-out-bounce-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-in-elastic-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-out-elastic-keyframes($values)
- @mixin ease-in-out-elastic-keyframes($values)
##Usage See Demo
@import "animation"; // https://github.com/ericam/compass-animation
@import "compass-penner-easing";
@include keyframes(some-animation) {
// pass in a list of start and end values to ease between
// eg.
// 0=>50
// 300 =>100
@include ease-in-out-elastic-keyframes( (0 50, 300 100) ){
// reference the global $_EASE variable on whatever properies you want animated
// (nth item value corresponds to the start and end values you pass in)
#myDiv {
// reference animation use non-shorthand properties!
@include animation-name(some-animation);
@include animation-duration(1s);