Tags: adamoki/zend-log
zend-log 2.8.1 Added ----- - [zendframework#40](zendframework#40) adds the `LogFilterProviderInterface` and `LogFormatterProviderInterface` referenced in the `Module` class starting in 2.8.0. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - Nothing.
zend-log 2.8.0 Added ----- - [zendframework#39](zendframework#39) adds the following factory classes for the exposed plugin managers in the component: - `Zend\Log\FilterPluginManagerFactory`, which returns `FilterPluginManager` instances. - `Zend\Log\FormatterPluginManagerFactory`, which returns `FormatterPluginManager` instances. - `Zend\Log\ProcessorPluginManagerFactory`, which returns `ProcessorPluginManager` instances. - `Zend\Log\WriterPluginManagerFactory`, which returns `WriterPluginManager` instances. - [zendframework#39](zendframework#39) exposes the package as a ZF component and/or generic configuration provider, by adding the following: - `ConfigProvider`, which maps the available plugin managers to the corresponding factories as listed above, maps the `Logger` class to the `LoggerServiceFactory`, and registers the `LoggerAbstractServiceFactory` as an abstract factory. - `Module`, which does the same as `ConfigProvider`, but specifically for zend-mvc applications. It also provices a specifications to `Zend\ModuleManager\Listener\ServiceListener` to allow modules to provide configuration for log filters, formatters, processors, and writers. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - Nothing.
zend-log 2.7.2 Added ----- - [zendframework#30](zendframework#30) adds documentation for each of the supported log writers. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#33](zendframework#33) fixes an issue with executing `chmod` on files mounted via NFS on an NTFS partition when using the stream writer.
zend-log 2.7.1 Added ----- - Nothing. Deprecated ---------- - Nothing. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#28](zendframework#28) restores the "share by default" flag settings of all plugin managers back to boolean `false`, allowing multiple instances of each plugin type. (This restores backwards compatibility with versions prior to 2.7.)
zend-log 2.7.0 Added ----- - [zendframework#7](zendframework#7) and [zendframework#15](zendframework#15) add a new argument and option to `Zend\Log\Writer\Stream` to allow setting the permission mode for the stream. You can pass it as the optional fourth argument to the constructor, or as the `chmod` option if using an options array. - [zendframework#10](zendframework#10) adds `array` to the expected return types from `Zend\Log\Formatter\FormatterInterface::format()`, codifying what we're already allowing. - [zendframework#24](zendframework#24) prepares the documentation for publication, adds a chapter on processors, and publishes it to https://zendframework.github.io/zend-log/ Deprecated ---------- - [zendframework#14](zendframework#14) deprecates the following, suggesting the associated replacements: - `Zend\Log\Writer\FilterPluginManager` is deprecated; use `Zend\Log\FilterPluginManager` instead. - `Zend\Log\Writer\FormatterPluginManager` is deprecated; use `Zend\Log\FormatterPluginManager` instead. Removed ------- - Nothing. Fixed ----- - [zendframework#14](zendframework#14) and [zendframework#17](zendframework#17) update the component to be forwards-compatible with zend-stdlib and zend-servicemanager v3.