- Toronto
- adampetrie.com
apollo-client-devtools Public
Forked from apollographql/apollo-client-devtools🎄 Chrome extension for Apollo Client developer tools
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedSep 17, 2018 -
cinephilev2 Public
Re-Implementation of Cinephile Demo app using Typescript, React and Apollo
TypeScript UpdatedAug 7, 2018 -
jekyll-grunt-tasks Public
Shared repo of Grunt tasks for use with building and deploying Jekyll sites.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedJul 29, 2016 -
jekyll Public
Forked from jekyll/jekyll🌐 Jekyll is a blog-aware, static site generator in Ruby
Ruby MIT License UpdatedJul 27, 2016 -
starter Public
Forked from prose/starterA starter site for Jekyll + Prose
CSS BSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" License UpdatedJul 6, 2016 -
gilded_rose_kata Public
Forked from jimweirich/gilded_rose_kataThe Gilded Rose Code Cata
Ruby UpdatedMay 7, 2016 -
jekyll-bootstrap-theme Public
Forked from henrythemes/jekyll-bootstrap-themejekyll starter theme w/ bootstrap (sass version)
HTML UpdatedApr 11, 2016 -
lint-review Public
Forked from markstory/lint-reviewAn automated code linting bot that integrates various code lint tools with github pull requests.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 30, 2016 -
rails-bootstrap Public
Forked from RailsApps/rails-bootstrapRails 4.2 starter app with the Bootstrap front-end framework.
Ruby UpdatedMar 17, 2016 -
laptop Public
Forked from thoughtbot/laptopA shell script which turns your OS X laptop into an awesome web development machine.
Shell MIT License UpdatedMar 8, 2016 -
ember-keyboard-shortcuts Public
Forked from Skalar/ember-keyboard-shortcutsember-cli addon that uses mousetrap to facilitate keyboard shortcuts.
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 9, 2015 -
ember-cli-moment-transform Public
Forked from pk4media/ember-cli-moment-transformJavaScript MIT License UpdatedAug 4, 2015 -
cinephile Public
Cinephile is a sample Javascript application that allows users to keep track of their favourite movies as well as suggesting other films that they might be interested in. The primary goal of Cineph…
JavaScript MIT License UpdatedOct 22, 2013 -
generator-backbone Public
Forked from yeoman/generator-backboneYeoman generator for Backbone.js
JavaScript UpdatedSep 11, 2013