Install and manage JUCE modules from the command line in style!
jpm install juce_*
Find JUCE modules you didn't know about:
jpm list
Create JUCE modules with as little fuss as possible:
jpm genmodule myModuleFolder myNamespace juce_core
Include a local module:
jpm add ./local_modules/my_existing_module
If there end up being LOTS of modules we'll have to automate this. But for now submit and ISSUE on github or a pull request.
- Simplicity
- Ensure repeatable builds
- Encourage sharing of code
- Make it easier to reuse your own code
- Avoid the headaches of git submodule as much as possible
Lots. It'd be good if it could install the introjucer, yes? :)
$ jpm
JUCE v4.0.2
jpm - a juce package manager
jpm install <source> add and install a modules
jpm install download any missing modules for the current project
jpm add <source> add a local module without using the directory
jpm list [<wildcard>] show all available modules, e.g. jpm list *core*
jpm erasecache erase the download cache
jpm genmodule <name> create a module template [ not yet implemented ]
jpm rebuildjucer rewrite the modules section of the jucer file
Run this from the root of your JUCE project