LimeSurvey authentication plugin for authenticating users based on a JWT (Json Web Token)
- LimeSurvey 3.XX
Download the zip from the releases page and extract to your plugins folder.
Rename the downloaded folder to AuthJWT
You will also need to download the zip of and extract as the php-jwt folder within the plugin folder.
You can also clone directly from git: go to your plugins directory and type: (this will include the php-jwt code in one hit)
git clone --recurse-submodules AuthJWT
- Method for JWT authentication: choose which hashing/key method for JWT authentication
- BASE64 erncidedShared secret key (for ES256,HS256,HS384 or HS512 methods) or Public Key (for RS256,RS384,RS512 methods) for JWT authentication ?: Shared password or public key used - must be base64 encoded - see for an easy way to encode as base64
- Name of attribute containing the username (required and unique): The JWT attribute that will contain the LimeSurvey username to be authenticated against/created
- Name of attribute containing the email address (leave blank to auto generate): the attribute in the JWT that contains the email address
- Name of attribute containing the display name (leave blank to auto generate based on users name): the attribute returned in the JWT that will be the users human friendly name
- Auto create users: check if the user exists in the local database and if not the plugin creates the user from the JWT metadata
- Auto update users: check if the JWT attributes have different attribute values for email and name and update them on LimeSurvey
- Storage base: LimeSurvey internal configuration options, use it only if you know what you are doing. Configures where the plugin settings are stored.
- Logout Redirect URL: configures where should the user be redirected after the logout path
- Allow initial user to login via JWT: Check this if you want the admin user to be able to use JWT also
- Permissions: Choose the default permissions given to newly created users
- Pass a "Authorization Bearer" header containing the JWT token to the login page to pre-fill the login with the JWT token
- Pass the JWT token as a GET request ( eg: http://localhost/index.php/admin/authentication/sa/login/jwt/jwttokengoeshere )
- The JWT token must contain at least one attribute that is the username field in LimeSurvey - this must be set as the attribute in the plugin configuration
- The system will respect the expiry times set on tokens
- Generate test JWT tokens here:
- LimeSurvey:
- PHP JWT library:
- LimeSurvey SAML authentication plugin (this is based on that plugin):