Tags: adason/Turing.jl
## Turing v0.13.0 [Diff since v0.12.0](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.12.0...v0.13.0) **Closed issues:** - LoadError: MethodError: no method matching tilde (TuringLang#1055) - Bayesian HMM tutorial shows errors inline (TuringLang#1148) - Broken link in documentation (TuringLang#1198) - HMM tutiroal is broken (TuringLang#1236) - Request help for a customize distribution (TuringLang#1244) - Taking multi-threaded random number generation a bit more seriously (TuringLang#1260) - The Bayes loss is higher than the OLS loss. (TuringLang#1274) - Error on Windows and Mac when running `using Turing` (TuringLang#1285) - Question: Mistakes in Custom Distribution documentation? (TuringLang#1287) **Merged pull requests:** - Add MLE/MAP functionality (TuringLang#1230) (@cpfiffer) - Updated @code_warntype steps to match version (TuringLang#1272) (@HarrisonWilde) - Allow proposal matrix for MH (TuringLang#1277) (@cpfiffer) - Updated section on custom distributions (TuringLang#1278) (@torfjelde) - Fix typo (TuringLang#1279) (@hsm207) - Update members.yml (TuringLang#1280) (@mileslucas) - Pass init_theta kwarg to initialize_parameters! (TuringLang#1281) (@mohamed82008) - Fix MAP code (TuringLang#1284) (@karajan9) - Adds `predict` method to make it easier to work with the predictive posterior (TuringLang#1286) (@torfjelde) - Use non-global RNGs (TuringLang#1288) (@devmotion) - Updated doc on custom distribution (TuringLang#1289) (@torfjelde)
## Turing v0.12.0 [Diff since v0.11.0](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.11.0...v0.12.0) **Closed issues:** - Eorror:Precompiling Turing (TuringLang#1088) - Build failing. "AbstractChains not defined" (TuringLang#1121) - Make it easier to choose resampling method and threshold when using `SMC()` (TuringLang#1226) - Turing compilation fails (TuringLang#1229) - Data leakage in Bayesian logistic regression example (TuringLang#1235) - AD error with Bijectors 0.7 (TuringLang#1256) **Merged pull requests:** - Update Turing to AbstractMCMC 1.0, AdvancedMH 0.5, and DynamicPPL 0.6 (TuringLang#1224) (@devmotion) - Add constructors and documentation for `SMC` (TuringLang#1228) (@devmotion) - Update variational_inference.md (TuringLang#1234) (@cmerkatas) - Use `propagate!` instead of `Libtask.consume` (TuringLang#1237) (@devmotion) - Added kwargs to deafult HMC constructor (TuringLang#1238) (@torfjelde) - Simplify ParticleContainer and add better tests for propagate! (TuringLang#1242) (@devmotion) - Allow sampling from the prior (TuringLang#1243) (@devmotion) - Remove sidebar for news/teams (TuringLang#1246) (@cpfiffer) - Make Turing compatible with Libtask 0.4 (TuringLang#1248) (@devmotion) - Make Turing compatible with DynamicPPL 0.7.1 (TuringLang#1249) (@devmotion) - Update history (TuringLang#1251) (@mohamed82008) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Bijectors" to "0.7" (TuringLang#1252) (@github-actions[bot]) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "DistributionsAD" to "0.5" (TuringLang#1254) (@github-actions[bot]) - Some more changes (TuringLang#1255) (@devmotion) - Remove unused method (TuringLang#1257) (@devmotion) - Fix HMC initialization and allow AD in SampleFromPrior (TuringLang#1258) (@mohamed82008) - Run single- and multithreaded tests on Travis (TuringLang#1259) (@devmotion) - Also test on Julia 1.0 (TuringLang#1262) (@devmotion) - Clean CI setup (TuringLang#1263) (@devmotion) - HMC initialization fix - again (TuringLang#1264) (@mohamed82008) - Added contact info for Arthur (TuringLang#1265) (@luiarthur) - Fix log evidence computation (TuringLang#1266) (@devmotion) - Update gsoc_members.yml (TuringLang#1267) (@SaranjeetKaur) - Update gsoc_members.yml (TuringLang#1268) (@SaranjeetKaur) - More changes (TuringLang#1269) (@devmotion)
## Turing v0.11.0 [Diff since v0.10.1](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.10.1...v0.11.0) **Closed issues:** - Dynamic models seem to break (TuringLang#1095) - filldist and arraydist is not exported (TuringLang#1154) - Turing build error: could not import MCMCChains.AbstractChains into Turing (TuringLang#1195) - @. $ does not work inside @model (TuringLang#1196) - CI tests fail on Julia 1.4 + master (TuringLang#1199) - Question: example Sampler Visualization fails on `VarInfo` (TuringLang#1205) - StackOverflowError raised by the pdf of BinomialLogit (TuringLang#1210) - unable to precompile turing in juliapro (TuringLang#1211) - Add an explicit definition of the logit-parameterised Bernoulli distribution to Turing's distributions (TuringLang#1213) - Normal: the condition σ >= zero(σ) is not satisfied for well-specified model (TuringLang#1215) - Testing error (TuringLang#1216) - MethodError: no method matching Preconditioner (TuringLang#1219) - MethodError for AxisArrays.AxisArray for creating chains (TuringLang#1220) **Merged pull requests:** - Improve particle samplers warning message (TuringLang#900) (@yebai) - Add multinomial logistic regression tutorial from TuringTutorials (TuringLang#1181) (@DilumAluthge) - Remove unused dependencies and imports (TuringLang#1182) (@devmotion) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "StatsBase" to "0.33" (TuringLang#1185) (@github-actions[bot]) - Use default keyword arguments when sampling from Sampler (TuringLang#1187) (@devmotion) - Fixed links and stuff for VI docs (TuringLang#1188) (@torfjelde) - Run Github actions only once per day (TuringLang#1189) (@devmotion) - Update CI (TuringLang#1190) (@devmotion) - Fixing some of the headings in VI doc (TuringLang#1192) (@torfjelde) - Fix the link for Kai's photo (TuringLang#1193) (@xukai92) - Docs: Remove duplicate TOC entry for multinomial logistic regression tutorial (TuringLang#1194) (@DilumAluthge) - Fix crashes in CI tests (TuringLang#1202) (@devmotion) - Update members.yml (TuringLang#1204) (@mileslucas) - Update tagline (TuringLang#1206) (@cpfiffer) - Fix ReverseDiff caching and enable cache emptying (TuringLang#1208) (@mohamed82008) - Update sampler viz (TuringLang#1209) (@cpfiffer) - Closes TuringLang#1210 added working pdf for BinomialLogit and VecBinomialLogit… (TuringLang#1212) (@HarrisonWilde) - Closes TuringLang#1213 added logpdf for BernoulliLogit (TuringLang#1214) (@HarrisonWilde) - Fix HMC in Gibbs issue with dynamic models (TuringLang#1217) (@mohamed82008) - Update AHMC (TuringLang#1218) (@xukai92)
## Turing v0.10.1 [Diff since v0.10.0](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.10.0...v0.10.1) **Closed issues:** - Is von Mises distribution broken? (TuringLang#1086) **Merged pull requests:** - Added document on variational inference (TuringLang#1178) (@torfjelde) - Add concretize before generating Chains (TuringLang#1180) (@cpfiffer)
## Turing v0.10.0 [Diff since v0.9.2](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.9.2...v0.10.0)
## Turing v0.9.2 [Diff since v0.9.1](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.9.1...v0.9.2)
## Turing v0.9.1 [Diff since v0.9.0](TuringLang/Turing.jl@v0.9.0...v0.9.1) **Closed issues:** - Juno Progress Metres (TuringLang#799) - Build an offical docker for Turing (TuringLang#1113) - strange sort of parameter names and values in calling describe with 'sections' (TuringLang#1132) - Failure working with MH sampler and `MvNormal` (TuringLang#1133) - Question: Use of the term multivariate regression in linear regression tutorial (TuringLang#1143) - Tidy up benchmarking scripts (TuringLang#1144) - Question: WARNING: could not import MCMCChains.AbstractChains into Turing ERROR: LoadError: LoadError: UndefVarError: AbstractChains not defined (TuringLang#1150) - Libtask error: setindex! not defined for TArray{Float64,1} (TuringLang#1155) - Missing method `invlink` in Bijectors 0.6 (TuringLang#1158) - Add compiler doc to navigation (TuringLang#1159) - side navigation bar not working on team page - https://turing.ml/dev/team/ (TuringLang#1161) - Broken link on https://turing.ml/dev/docs/using-turing/dynamichmc (TuringLang#1171) **Merged pull requests:** - Zygote AD backend (TuringLang#783) (@mohamed82008) - Dockerfile for the Turing (latest, 0.8.3) (TuringLang#1120) (@KDr2) - Fix links to websites (TuringLang#1130) (@devmotion) - Use concrete types for fields of ADVI (TuringLang#1131) (@devmotion) - Use ProgressLogging instead of ProgressMeter (TuringLang#1134) (@devmotion) - Fix MH indexing bug (TuringLang#1135) (@cpfiffer) - Update dockerfile for new release (TuringLang#1138) (@KDr2) - Use Nanosoldier.jl to run benchmarks (TuringLang#1142) (@KDr2) - Use EllipticalSliceSampling (TuringLang#1145) (@devmotion) - Tidy up benchmark files (TuringLang#1146) (@KDr2) - Update my info on website (TuringLang#1147) (@mohamed82008) - Provide default progress loggers (TuringLang#1149) (@devmotion) - Move default model evaluation code to DynamicPPL (TuringLang#1151) (@phipsgabler) - Update members.yml (TuringLang#1152) (@phipsgabler) - CompatHelper: bump compat for "Bijectors" to "0.6" (TuringLang#1153) (@github-actions[bot]) - Disable progress logs in tests (TuringLang#1156) (@devmotion) - Add compiler doc to website (TuringLang#1160) (@cpfiffer) - Move doc files to `src/for-developers` (TuringLang#1162) (@cpfiffer) - Fixed LinkedIn links (TuringLang#1163) (@cpfiffer) - Save transitions of samplers in Gibbs sampling (TuringLang#1166) (@devmotion) - Fix MH sampler for arrays of distributions (TuringLang#1167) (@devmotion) - FIX: `bijector` currently returns inverse of what it claims (TuringLang#1168) (@torfjelde) - Do not store transitions in Gibbs sampler (TuringLang#1169) (@devmotion) - ReverseDiff support (TuringLang#1170) (@mohamed82008) - Correct Gibbs link (TuringLang#1174) (@cpfiffer) - Update HISTORY.md (TuringLang#1177) (@cpfiffer)