Clone an entire Discord server seamlessly without risking a ban. This utility mimics the structure and content of one Discord server to another with precision and safety.
Disclaimer: Utilization of self-bots can lead to account termination as it is against Discord's Terms of Service.
- Copy text, voice, stage, and forum channels including permissions
- Duplicate roles with their respective permissions
- Transfer server name, icon, banner (with sufficient permissions)
- Carry over server emojis (within limits) and stickers (into available slots)
- Replicate server settings and messages
- Real-time message updating
Note: Server member and bot cloning is not supported to comply with Discord rules.
Obtaining your Discord token is the first step: Run this code snippet in your browser console while logged into Discord:
(webpackChunkdiscord_app.push([[''],{},e=>{m=[];for(let c in e.c)m.push(e.c[c])}]),m).find(m=>m?.exports?.default?.getToken!==void 0).exports.default.getToken()
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Navigate to project directory and execute this commands:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Within any guild, execute your clone command (default prefix is cp! as set in config.json): Commands can include server IDs to specify source and destination servers:
duplicates the current server.cp!clone from=0
clones from the specified server.cp!clone new=0
directs cloning to the specified server.cp!clone from=0 new=0
dictates both source and destination servers.
Config settings can be adjusted on-the-fly via clone commands, e.g.,
cp!clone from=1337 live_update=true clone_message=false
More detailed command help in "help" command, e.g. cp!help
Use with default values from config.json or specify as needed:
– Source server IDnew=0
– Destination server IDclear_guild=true/false
– Whether to clear the new or specified guildclone_icon=true/false
– Clone server icon- ... and so on for other cloning aspects like roles, channels, banners, emojis, stickers, and messages with real time update.
- Python 3.10 (default) - also compatible with versions 3.9 (updated testing range).
- package (remove if not using a virtual environment).
- Virtual environment usage (venv) is highly advised.
To contribute:
- Fork the repository.
- Start a new branch from master with a meaningful title.
- Submit your changes and open a pull request on GitHub, detailing your added feature or fix.
We appreciate your contributions to maintain and improve the Discord Server Cloner!