This python script used to send any number of emails using gmail account with activated feature, check this link to activate it:
It is very easy to send emails using this,
1- create a txt file that contains a list of emails you want to email, line by line.
2- I you want to attach a file then put in the same folder.(for multiple files try to compress them, since the script accepts just one file)
3- Edit the Subject and the Text(body of msg) to what ever you want in
4- excute the script by running:
I- Without attached files:
-$ python [email protected] emails_list.txt
II- with attaching a file:
-$ python [email protected] emails_list.txt filenameOfTheattached(CV.pdf)
PS: for other email servers you need to get their smtp server, like for hotmail email accounts and change it in the python file.
I hope you use it for good purposes ;)