This is the source for the COBOL compiler included with IBM OS/360.
According to Wikipedia this version of the OS is considered in the public domain.
The following source was extracted from a DASD volume provided by Jay Moseley. See
The above webpage and DASD volume are included in this repository for future reference and use.
The code is written in assembler.
The source datasets are:
- MVTSRC.CB545 - ALC source
- MVTSRC.LM546 - ALC source
- MVTSRC.COBOL.MACLIB - macros required to assemble the source
- MVTSRC.COBOL.CNTL - jobstreams to assemble, link, delink, and run a test compile
- MVTSRC.COBOL.LISTINGS - listings from the assemble and link jobs
The following extensions have been used for the source:
- MLC - Assembler source
- MAC - Assembler macro
- JCL - Job control language
- TXT - Assembly listings