Url Image management library for android. You can download, set image
It should be initialised once before it is used first time.
Goster.init(context,new File(""+context.getCacheDir()),7*24*60*60,3*1024*1024,"uimage");
Then, you can use bunch of features on it. It is not singleton. It always create an instance per job. It starts to download, decode and set when you push the changes into a image view.
Goster gst = Goster.with(context)
You can get image actual path in disk with getSavingPath()
String imageSavingPath = gst.getSavingPath();
You have to check it is null or not. If it is null, it can be not downloaded yet, or it can not be downloaded.
Also, you can set a callback to detect image is set or not
.into(image,new Goster.Callback() {
public void onSuccess(Goster gst, ImageView imageView) {
public void onError() {